
Best rejection letter EVER. Or: Tolkien wept

Mar 27, 2009 23:54

Oh man. I just got a rejection letter from a Young Adult agent (who networking made me foolish enough to proposition, despite the genre disparities). I was reading along and it was like blablabla, not accepting new manuscripts at this time...blablabla, critique...blabla bla, basically the prologue is dense and unsellable and in parts (GET THIS) "similar to Tolkien's Silmarillion."

Now, I may have thought the Silmarillion was a gaudy, superfluous, ungodly piece of fiction but damn if I wasn't just told that an agent wouldn't take my work because they thought the writing was too similar to J.R.R. Tolkien. Man, best rejection letter ever.

So yes. Sorry for spamming, but I'm far too excited.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled lives. XD
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