Blogember Day 24

Nov 25, 2013 23:54

Hello again, post 2 of 3!

Day 24: 20 things you are thankful for:

Well, with Thanksgiving coming up on Thursday, this is this perfect post for this week. In no particular order...
  1. That I had 20 years with my dad
  2. A job that I love, that pays me
  3. Sweatpants on a cold night
  4. Coffee (and a coffee shop with wonderful baristas)
  5. Glasses... even if they are a pain
  6. Finding some awesome stuff at a craft show this past weekend
  7. Watching kids at church make gingerbread houses
  8. Getting in the spirit of the holidays
  9. A working computer
  10. Family
  11. My friends, especially those who know how to cheer me up when I am down.
  12. Free chocolate from Godiva with my rewards card
  13. Finding a new tv show to fall in love with (The Bletchley Circle)
  14. My Kindle Fire - as an avid reader it makes it so much easier to bring a book with me
  15. Sleep
  16. Getting ready for Thanksgiving
  17. Having internet access to be able to post tonight
  18. My blog
  19. The quilt that my best friend made (I helped a bit, but I'm not great at sewing...)
  20. Having access to public transit
What are you thankful for? Happy Thanksgiving (to my American readers)

blog-a-day, holiday, life

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