Blogember Day 22

Nov 22, 2013 21:07

Hello all! Two days in a row! WooHoo!

Day 22: 10 places you would love to visit (or have visited):

A lot of these may be places that I have visited, but they are places that I would love to go back to. In no particular order:
  1. Yellowstone National Park (been here... surprise trip planned by my dad... we only had a couple of hours to pack and get ready before we left for our flight)
  2. Germany
  3. Disney World (been too long since I was last here)
  4. Washington DC
  5. Canada (been here... multiple times, would love to go back)
  6. Ireland
  7. Kentucky
  8. New York
  9. London
  10. Chicago (been here... multiple times, but there is so much to see and do, I want to go back)
If you had the ability... where would you travel?


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