Feb 01, 2012 09:06
I am a master excuse fabricator. I sprained my ankle - twise in the past three months. It happened at the peak of my fitness level. I looked great, felt amazing , willing to do more and more and then bam...
At the time ditched the Jenny Craig program, it is a great program, but I got tired of frozen food.
So I started wallowing in my sorrow, driving myself to depression without the running high. I could actually run 3 miles in half an hour. Now I have to learn to walk.
What can I say - I stopped looking in the mirror, ate whtatever was there (not really enjoong the food even) . I was really in a bad place for a long while. Gained 20 lbs and a dress size, and lost my confidence. Thank G-d for my little sister. She literally pulled me by the hair out of this thing.
I am back. Fighting the battle of the bulge.
Logging my calories on loseit, and adding veggies to every meal.