maintaining a trend

Mar 30, 2006 13:17

From the end of February to today, I lost another:
2" from my waist
2" from my hips
1.5" from my under-bust, and
.5" from my bust. (I have to wonder if I was mismeasuring my under-bust previously, but I have no way of knowing.)
I've even lost .5" off my NECK.

I'd like to weigh myself sometime soon, but I can't really go to the gym because I'm still coughing too much to overexert. (Curling on Tuesday was hell, but I did it.) I've got to get back soon, though, because curling is over! :(

I'm excited, though. I did get the new smaller pants, which fit nicely! And mcmiller gave me three pairs of size 22 pants to work myself into. I think if I can get there, maybe by summer, I'll be thrilled. (I don't know how I feel about wearing velvet and corduroy in summer, but I do work in an office building, so I should be OK.)

As far as the size 24 dress goes, I am now:
1" bust
5" waist
2" hips

away. I plan to try this dress on this weekend, since we found a place right near mkbscratch and m0xiee's place that sells them.

I need motivation to bust my ass some...

weight loss issues

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