holy fucking shit, yo

Feb 08, 2005 15:44

so, I came home from work, and I'm in the bathroom, and I notice that the hot water tap in the shower wasn't turned all the way off. this isn't an unexpected situation, because our hot water tap is wearing out anyway, but all the same, for the moment, we've been using a pair of pliers to turn it off. so I think, "oh, well, oh_chris just forgot", and I go to turn it off.


so, now, the hot water tap is sitting on the sink. I've called the landlady, and she's apparently going to come out tomorrow (even though they're both sick). I guess it's a good thing I have lots of perfume at my desk, because I'm not really going to be able to shower properly...

Crap. Now I have to clean the house, besides.

Crap in a goddamn hat.

(edit 7:52 PM: So far, I've done two loads of dishes and am soaking a third. Took out trash and recycling, only to discover that apparently, either we all missed recycling day or we all need to cut down a little on the recycling shit, because all five 40-gallon recycling bins were full. picked up in the living room a bit; will work on that more, but i need to eat something at some point. to do: 2-3 more loads dishes, clean stove, put clothes away, sort large pile of mail. That will at least get it presentable enough for extremely short notice and one person (chris doesn't get home till fuck-knows-when tonight. he doesn't even know about this yet, although i tried calling him several times.))

(edit 10:16 PM: ouch. 4 loads of dishes done, with the last (!) in the sink. propped up a pot in the tub so I can wash my hair and maybe sponge-bathe in the morning (the hot water leaks, remember?). garbage taken out. recycling collected. stove cleaned. table and counters cleaned. clothes put away. mail sorted. (need the rest of my tax info from my parents' house so i can do my taxes.) chris came home at 9-ish, and he helped some, too. all in all, not bad for three hours worth of hard work.)

on a better note, read this.

Superman is a Dick.

(from the FAQ:

Q: If Superman is a dick, what's Bizarro?

A: A pussy.)

household complaints

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