You know you’re on Annandale Guard, 2008-2009, when…
- You have subconsciously wondered what nickname you’ll puffy paint onto the back of your guard shirt
- You feel an arbitrary urge to sign up for photo class next year
- You know what it’s like to be a human disco ball
- Emotions run from all extremes, such as loving guard and laughing non-stop to loathing guard and crying before, after, or during practice
- You’ve ever stared blankly at Sean and muttered, “Sean…no, jus-stop.”
- The question of what your Halloween costume will be this year becomes more important than it did when you were little
- You now know what the abbreviation “PT” stands for (and perhaps even have experienced it)
- Your friends wonder why you have “Gotta Fly Now! No, you don’t know it? …The theme from Rocky? Yes, that” as one of your new favorite songs
- You take a moment to decide what you want to say before you tentatively mumble, “Hey, um…” in order to get our instructor’s attention because you don’t know whether to call her Mrs. Stevens, Ms. Buzzell, Mrs. Buzzell, Buzzell, Meredith, Buzz - ens (a lovely cross between “Buzzell” and “Stevens”), Mom…
- Mr. Elgin has in some way or shape: hugged, poked, smacked, given a noogie…or glared at you (*cough-BIRDLAND-cough*)
- You were interested in trying weapons for the next season, but are now scared because of the various bruises and bumps seen on rifle guardies
- “Coming in a half hour early” on competition inevitably will mean “don’t be late”
- You wonder about the secret origins of Jeff: Where did he come from? How long has he been on guard for? Does he really have a family? How come he can chassé better than the rest of us?
- You’ve dealt with a bit more of drama than you thought you would’ve when you joined guard
- You’ll miss Casey’s hilariously awkward stories, Cassie’s antics, Jenny’s attempts to defend her bruises, Marian’s *colorful* wardrobe, Sarah’s cornucopia of injuries, and Sean’s lovely, magnificent dance moves after they graduate in 2009
10:05 PM
Haley might be coming for a week to VA this March!! And I have photo tomorrowww :DDD. Guard ending will really help me get back on track. I'm supposed perform at the GMU game this Saturday night, but I'd rather go to Haunted Forest. Actually, I'd rather see guardies for a bit, then haunted forest, but I doubt that could happen. I'm hoping to have exciting plans next week or the week after because Cassie helped me realize Sarah/Chris can have my party at Rodrick's. Technically, I could do it Sat. Nov. 1, but that'll just be cramming too much into one weekend (Football Game/Senior Night, SATs, CYO already being there, plus hw). See, I'm limiting myself.