You will enjoy good health, that is your form of wealth.

Oct 13, 2008 17:02

Lucky Numbers 15, 34, 35, 43, 44, 46

DOW up 930 points! I mentioned the hypothetical situation of it going down 930 tomorrow, but my dad said that places like Germany and Italy have put money into it, I suppose you could say, so it probably won't happen (this is my lack of financial knowledge shining, people).

I hope I get to go to Starbucks later to do some reading. Really, I hope I get to go to Willy's to watch a movie, but I doubt this is going to happen :( I want to at least visit. I'll try to finish up my math so maybe by the time I go to Starbucks friends will be getting together. Wait, Starbucks might be closed 'cause of Columbus Day. I can't believe Luis almost TRICKED me into hanging out today. That would've been so dumb for me to follow through with. Ben's tricking me plans sound a lot more obvious--maybe because he told me what they are ^.^

I already used that face once today. Yeck.

friends, modest mouse

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