Aug 19, 2022 16:26
Well, I feel..kinda not sad that my friends are leaving. Wait! Don't get me wrong friends. I will miss you all, Ijust don't feel lie anyone is leaving, maybe it hasn't had time to sink in. Or Maybe Ijust know that we will stuill see each other all the time so i have nothing to worry about. Whatever it is i just don't feel sad yet.
On another note..this London trip thing is starting to make me feel bad. And I don't know why or what to do about it. I feel like I got everbodies hopes up...includung my own, and know...(insert rassberry noise here) I just feel a bit VA-KL-EMPT. PLUS! (not to get ahead of myself but) my boss told me today that i might get a rate (hotel rate) as low as 89.00.....American!
Anyway whateva-eva
Damn my Journal fo being dated for 2022!!!!!