marriage! one more time!

Aug 12, 2008 23:31

Okay, chicks and chickadees, cats and kittens. This is the last set of sermon notes on God’s design for families and marriage, and it is about mothers.

Proverbs 18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.”

Quite complimentary, eh ladies? What that basically says is that marriage is supposed to ROCK.

Jesus is married to His church, and He is ever-loving, ever-sensitive, ever-faithful, and ever-encouraging - so we should learn something from this!

Wives and mothers:
-be a Godly influence in the family as an heir with her husband in Jesus Christ
-wives are typically the spiritual heads of the family, but the MEN ought to be, so quit lagging!
-build your family on God, not yourself
-try to embody Christ!
-fun quote! “If there is a secret to our marriage, it’s Ruth.” -Billy Graham, commenting on his wife, Ruth. So cute!
-be responsive to speak your husband’s chief love language. In order of priority for men, it is usually words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, quality time, and gifts.
-if you don’t speak your husband’s love language to him, he will go elsewhere and find another woman to speak it to him.
-your husband needs (and I swear the preacher said this) only three things: regular, enthusiastic, uninhibited sex, to be admired, and to be fed.
-“The inspired word of God says DO IT.” -direct quote from my preacher on sex in marriage.
-be your husband’s biggest and best admirer; find something to compliment him on
-“God as wired men to be men, and they need to be admired,” says the preacher.
-spirits can be broken by hyper-criticism, but built up by admiration
-if men don’t want to do something, you can’t make them

Proverbs 31:10-on is about The Virtuous Wife. You should read it. One thing it points out is that if husbands and wives are respectful to each other, it spreads out to the world.

If you’re having problems with intimacy in your marriage, try doing things you would do if you were really in love;

“Love is what one wills to do to make the other person happy and fulfilled.”

And we’ll end on Ephesians 5:33…
“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”
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