[gekiranger] [fic] five million miles away

Oct 16, 2008 23:17


title: Five Million Miles Away
series/pairing: Gekiranger - Jan/Retsu
rating: R for the dudes making out
summary: Sometimes Retsu can be right beside you but like, five million miles away.
notes: SOMEONE ELSE NEEDS TO TAKE UP THE RETSU PORNING TORCH PLS ;____; Also, Becky, stop dying of the the death plague. T_Tb

Retsu was hard to find sometimes, even if he was with you - his mind went off somewhere by itself, thinking about techniques or painting or whatever lived in his head. Jan thought it was really amazing that Retsu could think about things for as long as he did. He would sit quietly by himself for hours and when he came back to them, he had a new painting or a new technique ready.

Jan tried to do that, but after about five minutes his skin itched so bad that he had to go run laps around the SCRTC campus.

Ran said it was okay that Retsu did that but sometimes he went too far or to the wrong place, and then they had to call him back. Ran was really good at it. She could sit quietly beside him for a while and soon, Retsu would start to look around and then he'd smile at her, softly and a little ruefully. "Sorry," he'd say. "I shouldn't brood." Gou could call him back just by putting his hand on Retsu's shoulder.

But Jan isn't quiet and warm and Retsu doesn't respond to him instinctively like Gou. He has to do his best. (Dimly, dimly he remembers someone saying 'You have to do your best, Jan' and a presence like the warm tigers). So he puts his head on Retsu's shoulder, which works sometimes, even if Retsu just shrugs it off and gets annoyed at him. He sings under his breath, Retsu Retsu Retsu, like he's calling for one of his bird friends.

He checks Retsu's face again because sometimes Jan's not sure if Retsu's in the good place or the bad one. Retsu's forehead had the slight crease that meant he was thinking of something that wasn't nice. Jan puts his face right next to Retsu's ear and says, "Reeetsu, come back, Retsu," but Retsu only shifts away a little from the tickly feeling. His eyes flick over to Jan's but even though Jan can tell Retsu can tell he's there, it only makes the miserable crease in his forehead stronger.

"Don't be sad," says Jan, "be glad, it's not so bad." Monkeys always laughed when Jan tried to rhyme with them. Monkeys were the best rhymers in the forest, and it amused them when Jan tried to keep up with them. Retsu could keep up with them, Jan was sure of it.

He puts his arms around Retsu's waist in the way that Retsu always tries to shrug off, and leans his head against Retsu's shoulder. "If you don't stop being all kusha-kusha I'm going to poke you again," he says. Even this doesn't get him much more than a half-hearted shrug to get him off Retsu's shoulder. Jan pulls back and frowns a little at Retsu.

Retsu's face is tired and sad and anxious, like an old tree Jan had known that was always trying to hold on for one more season and one more litter raised beneath its cool green boughs. He's holding something clenched in one fist, so Jan reaches over and pulls it open to see what Retsu's holding. It's a scrap of red fabric, all stained and ripped. It was from Jan's sleeve. He'd ripped it off to wrap around a cut that Retsu got, because it was ruined anyway.

Oh, thinks Jan, and then he says, louder than he has been talking, "Retsu, I'm here. Retsu, I'm okay." He puts his hands on Retsu's face, turning it to look at him. "We all came back, okay."

"... this time," says Retsu in a voice so soft that Jan can barely hear him.

Jan doesn't have the words to say to Retsu, I know what you mean, there might not be a next time. But that's okay because we all have right now and maybe a little more and so he kisses him instead, his mouth slanting over Retsu's sad one, his hands sliding through Retsu's cool silky hair.

For a minute, Retsu doesn't react, doesn't respond, and then it's like he pulls himself out of deep water, all at once, and takes a deep breath, like a drowning creature coming back to shore. He clutches at Jan like he's the plank he held onto to get there. His mouth opens under Jan's and his fingers sink into Jan's shoulders. It hurts a little bit but Jan's tough, he can take it. He falls back as Retsu pushes at him, crawls up onto his hips, still kissing him. He winces a little, though, as Retsu grabs his arm, right where he was hurt, and Retsu pulls back.

"You're too reckless!" says Retsu, and Jan can smell fear and worry and anger all spiking up in Retsu's scent again. "What if Nii-san hadn't been there! What if--" and he buries his face in the crook of Jan's neck for a second, takes a deep breath, and then pushes Jan down, hard. Jan rolls with it, hands grasping Retsu's hips lightly.

"But I didn't," he argues.

"You --!" says Retsu, almost snarling, and kisses Jan again. Jan props himself up somehow on the ground and concentrates on kissing Retsu back. He bites at Retsu's neck and Retsu arches up, shivers and digs his fingers into Jan's back. Jan loves it when Retsu is like this, when the barriers all go away and he's just himself, just Retsu. He makes a low sound in his throat as Retsu's hands slide down, slide up again beneath Jan's jacket. Retsu's hips grind down on Jan's, and Jan's head falls back, his eyes half-closing.

"Retsu," he says, "Retsu, that feels really nice, ah, Retsu..." He fumbles with the catches of their clothing, pushing open Retsu's jacket and his own, and yanking the fly of their pants down enough to free their cocks. Retsu's is hot and satiny in his hand, against his own.

"You talk too much," says Retsu, on a gasp, but he grinds down again and arches his throat back to be kissed. "Oh God," he adds, and buries his face in Jan's neck, as if he can't bear to look. Jan's never understood it, but Retsu's like that. He can't look at people straight on sometimes.

"Retsu," croons Jan, on a purr, "Retsu, hey, are you going to, I want you to, come on, Retsu, please, Retsu --"

Retsu shudders again, hard, and says, "Jan," and that's enough, Jan's coming too, even as Retsu slumps against his chest and stays there. Jan tries to catch his breath. His arms are around Retsu, who smells like sweat and come and the sweet-bitter taste of Retsu himself. Retsu's back is really warm, and his hair is clinging to his face damply. They're quiet for a long minute.

"Ugh," says Retsu finally. "This is disgusting."

"I don't mind," says Jan, truthfully, and Retsu mutters something about barbarians raised by tigers in the forest and gets up.

"Come on," he says, and looks at Jan under his eyelashes, in a way even Jan can tell is an invitation. "You should take a shower."

gekiranger, fic, jan/retsu, default = red/blue, super sentai

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