drabble meme results slightly delayed as I let One Love tediously download

Jun 12, 2008 16:46

MEG: you know
MEG: just even seeing bits as it loads
MEG: this is an extremely heterosexual PV ._.
honooko: Oh yeah. Polyamorous male commitment ceremony is very hetero.
MEG: they sang their own vows ._.

firedawn: KRK - Tendou whines about Hiyori's first date.

"I don't see why I can't," says Tendou, his voice calm and rational. If there's a slight whining edge to it, it's unconscious and Kagami knows he's supposed to ignore it.

"Hiyori's really looking forward to it," says Kagami.

"He could be a serial killer," says Tendou. "He could be a lady killer. He could --"

"Tendou, you spent the entire week researching the poor bastard's entire life," says Kagami, exasperated. "He's a nice guy!"

Tendou scowls blackly. "Not nice enough for my baby sister," he hisses.

Kagami presses the heel of his palm into the throbbing vein of his forehead, and promises himself to lend Hiyori's date a Kevlar vest

biztheinsane Satoshi and Daisuke do the pool. Discuss.

Satoshi is floating on his back in the water. He feels like an otter. Or a whale. No, probably an otter. It's actually kind of relaxing, in a 'in five seconds I'm going to remember why I am about to kill Niwa and hold his face under water until he drowns' sort of way.

"Sorry," says Niwa, popping up beside him. His hair is all dark and sleek from the water. In lieu of answering, Satoshi does a half kick and floats away. Otter. He is an otter. Niwa's crazy means nothing to him. Niwa's shoulders in his thin, soaked shirt, gleaming in the moonlight mean nothing to him. The ruin of his favorite silk shirt and wool pants mean nothing to him. The ...

"I'm going to drown you," he promises Niwa.

"Don't drown me," says Niwa, splashing after him. "Drown Dark."

nyonyo: Arashi Roadtrip

If Nino asks if they're almost there yet again, Jun is going to cram the map down his throat so deep he has to take it out the other end. He tells Nino this, very calmly, and Nino pouts. "Matsujun's being a bitch," he announces.

Sho's hand clench a little on the wheel. Ohno flicks a look over at him, and says, "Nino, come over here." Nino unhooks his seatbelt and Aiba obligingly wiggles over to the side, the more willingly because his legs were really really cramped. Nino allows Ohno to click his seatbelt back in place and sulks with his chin digging into Ohno's shoulder. "I don't feel well," he says sullenly. "I bet I'm going to throw up. On Matsujun's hair."

"Not in the rental car," snarl both Sho and Jun.

"I'm hungry," says Aiba piteously, distracting Jun into digging out a rice ball from the cooler by his feet.

They've got six hours, two meals, and an emergency stop for Jun to strangle Nino and Aiba to go. It's the best trip they've ever taken.

wintersjuly: legendary sparkling rainbow storm rangers meeting krk

There's a group of guys at La Salle when Kagami skids in for his shift. Five of them, in various positions of sprawl and uprightness. They're all plowing their way through Tendou's special of the day, which was originally something Hiyori had diffidently suggested to Yumiko-san and had been transformed by Tendou's obsessive genius.

For a moment he thinks they might be like, ZECT troopers or something off duty; they have that look like they're snatching a break for a few precious moments. He doesn't recognize them and they aren't cowering when Tendou walks past them, so maybe they're not.

"Sorry I'm late," he says to Tendou, and then wonders why he's apologizing to Tendou and not Yumiko-san.

Tendou shrugs. "We have some interesting customers," he breathes, barely audibly.

Kagami stares at him for a second, and then decides that if Gatack Zector isn't chewing on his hair, he doesn't have to deal with it. "Right," he says.

still_ciircee: Hooker fic scrap

Sho comes home from work one day and finds the door unlocked. His back goes tense, but his eyes fall on a pair of shoes lined neatly at the door.

"How the hell did you get a key to my apartment?" he yells out.

Matsumoto appears, still dressed in what Sho uncomfortably thinks of as 'work clothes' -- tight tank top, narrow pants, absurdly large belt buckle -- and rather ridiculously, a fluffy apron. "Nino," he says, and Sho vows to never again leave his bag unattended within fifty feet of Ninomiya.

"What are you even doing here?" he demands. His head hurts. He was going to go put on sweats and order takeout and not think about the little, still figure in the morgue.

"Feeding you," says Matsumoto, and then, "Go take a bath, I'm still cooking."

When Sho crosses over and puts his head on Matsumoto's shoulder, the other man holds still, even though Sho knows he doesn't like to be touched.

beckerbell: "Oniichan's a little thick sometimes", Juka and Hiyori

Hiyori's eyebrows go up.

"Well, he never really had a girlfriend," explains Juka. She considers for a moment, then says, "Or a boyfriend, either. He just always trained. And sometimes he'd go on dates but he was never really interested in things like this."

"No," says Hiyori, in her soft, hoarse voice. "I don't suppose he was."

They're silent for a moment, watching their brother and Kagami. Their brother is throwing off all sorts of cues that Juka, at least, recognizes as somewhat desperate signs of interest. Kagami is staring at him in utter confusion.

"Do you think we should have a word?" says Juka finally.

Hiyori thinks about it. "Kagami will figure it out," she says firmly.

"I hope so," says Juka, dubiously.

ladycrysiana: Arashi meets Yuuko

The lady has a figure that strikes even Aiba into respectful silence. She's wearing a dress that shouldn't work at all. Literally shouldn't work. Jun's been in the entertainment industry long enough to have an idea of how women's dresses work, and there is no way she should be able to walk without.... without .... anyway, the dress is too low cut and there's no visible support.

She says, "Do you have a wish?" and there's a moment where they're all thinking probably the same thing.

"We can grant it ourselves," says Ohno, like a challenge.>

ickaimp: Kabuto. Tendou wants rewards for taking care of Kagami all the time.

Tendou does not actually suggest to Kagami that rescuing him is a nuisance and he expects to be repaid. There's something about the way that the night afterwards he shows up and crawls on Kagami that kind of gives Kagami a clue. It's kind of annoying, but Kagami can't say if it's annoying because of the silent demand to be repaid for helping him, or because Tendou thinks he can only do this when he's helped Kagami the day before.

He thinks about pointing out to Tendou that he doesn't have to do something for this, but it's hard to work up the energy that would involve when Tendou is grinding himself down on Kagami. It's like Tendou, in a weird way, gets off on saving people.

Well, whatever, thinks Kagami, but promises himself the next time he manages to save Tendou, Tendou is going to be paying him back too.

kit_sakurazuka: Kageyama abuse

Revenge is not the path of Heaven so Tendou's not taking revenge at all, especially for Kagami. But the path of Heaven does include karma, and Tendou takes a cold pleasure in Kageyama's mounting fustration. He'd stop it, if Kageyama learned his lesson. He'd be glad to.

But Kageyama doesn't know anything and Tendou knows he wouldn't listen, so he twists the anger and shame a little more and waits for Kageyama to pay attention. He's been a Rider, after all. He must be teachable.

If he's not, he's going to crash, and Tendou's not so petty as to look forward to that at all.

velithya: TENDOU AND KAGAMI \o/ w-wait, I have to give you more? u-uh... does kagami cook? something with kagami cooking!

Tendou knows that Kagami should be able to cook. Everybody knows how to cook, even if it's just boiling packets of rice. Kagami works in a restaurant. Kagami works with Hiyori. It would seem to be basically impossible for him to avoid knowing how to cook.

He flips through Kagami's cupboards. The sheer amount of prepackaged "JUST ADD WATER!" containers makes him ill.

There'll be no more of this nonsense, he decides rather grimly, and begins to pack them up.

lady_gemma: Aiba/Jun based on the Gay PV of Gayness.

This basically makes him the hugest, soppiest girl in the history of ever, and Ninomiya will never ever let him down, but he keeps looking at Aiba and thinking, if we were dressed in white for real, and the others were around us.

Then again, if that ever happened, he'd be too busy to enjoy it and Nino would have to be violently surpressed before he took on the duty of best man and made a long, horrible speech about how they had all come together and Sho would be in tears the entire time.

Well, he thinks, smiling a little. It's a nice thought.

refracting: The one where Tendou is a vampire and Kagami is the vampire hunter. Because you know you love the hurt, Meg~

[not that I am of course going to write it, but the premise is that Kagami is a vampire hunter who is also a vampire, but is not aware of the fact. He takes pills that he thinks are for some other annoying yet ultimately livable condition and ZECT or whatever has yet to break it to him that uh dude eventually you're going to need to eat a lot of really rare steaks. Tendou is a vampire and a hunter, and takes it upon himself to awaken Kagami to his second heritage. I, I know. .____. I just really like vampire AUs, okay. .________.]

Tendou's a vampire, Tendou's trying to trick him, Tendou's smiling at him with eyes gone cold and hard. Tendou's drawing a line down his own throat with the knife he's just wrenched from Kagami's hands, and there's a sweet scent in the air.

Tendou's saying, "You haven't had one of your pills all day, have you?" and Kagami's aware of nothing but a ringing in his ears and the way the blood is beading down Tendou's throat.

The next thing he knows he's got his hands full of Tendou's warm hair and he's lapping at Tendou's throat. He chokes as he realizes it. Tendou's hand holds him inexorably in place.

What have you done, he wants to say, but Tendou shifts his grip and bites him back, and he's not able to think any more.

asakurahao: Jun is weak vs Ohno

"No," says Jun hopelessly.

Ohno continues to stare at him, which he knows isn't fair. He should know it, anyway. Jun starts fiddling with the makeup on the counter to avoid his eyes in the mirror. It's already perfectly neat but Aiba's hairbrush is infringing on Jun's comb's space and he sets them into line again.

"I don't want to," tries Jun.

Ohno comes up and digs his chin companionably into Jun's shoulder. "It would be fun," he says.

Jun sighs. "I'm not wearing hose," he says.

"Okay," says Ohno. "Aiba found stockings."

Jun groans.

fic, dnangel, kamen rider kabuto, arashi

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