further updates as events warrant!!

Mar 23, 2008 10:05

I almost got smacked this morning for waking up and thinking in my haze that my sister, rummaging around the back bedroom, was actually the dog.

Look, in my world, when the door suddenly bounces open at six am, it's usually a dog! I was like, wait, there's nothing leaping on the be--- oh.

Goddamb brats on de goddamb dus, I dew I bas doinb to geb der colb.

We has a Sakkit! Her plane got in really late so we hung out with Dawn in her car and listened to Her Friend's Band whose name I forget but who had a song about His Gayest Shirt, which kind of made me die a whole hell of a lot. It was like, the Theme to JE. She's promised me a copy of it and I will distribute it suitably.

Then Sakkit forced Hotel Dusk 215 at me, which was kind of "....so do people ship Kyle and Bradley?" and "Well, I don't, but." within approproximately five seconds of starting the game. The graphics are super awesome, though. Kind of sketchy and traditionally animated. I have an awful feeling it's going to involve really deducting things and I'm pants at that, so we'll see.

Everybody think really good thoughts about direct deposit going through, okay!!!


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