MEG: actually MEG: when I post this everybody's just going to go, Then what's your problem with Ryo and Uchi brotherfucking fic? and all I will be able to say is, BUT THEY'RE ONLY HALF BROTHERS
no no no, it would probably be awesome! if you did it right. and um. LOOK IT'S RYO AND UCHI MAKING OUT IN A DRESSING ROOM AND BEING RETARDED *points and runs in the other direction*
it could be HILARIOUS don't you want the hilarious? :(
I'm totally on board with Ryo and Uchi making out in a dressing room, but I've been scarred by too many brother fics. Can't they just make out in a dressing room without creepy inappropriateness?
h-how about they make out in a dressing room and whoever is the younger brother calls the other niisan just to be a bitch and the other is all AUGH JESUS CHRIST and smacks him?
*cries* As if fandom didn't have enough creepy incest or pseudo-incest fic already...
it could be HILARIOUS don't you want the hilarious? :(
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