Discovery Channel News -
Sexes' Reponse to Others' Pain Differs Thank you, Discovery Channel, for yet another exciting and new piece of information. NEXT TIME: THE SKY IS BLUE.
Also, the dog has begun to do this thing where he pushes the door open at like, six am, goes I AM NINJYA DOG GIVING NINJYA DOG HUGS!!!!, hops up on the bed, demands a hug, and ninjes off again, leaving me half awake and cursing because he can open the door but not close it.
PS please stop me before Kadaj vs Cloud: Chocobo-Riding Lessons stops being a brainworm and takes on a terrible reality. I think eventually Cloud plays his trump, which is 'Sephiroth could ride chocobos'.
Mostly I'm just thinking of the dirty chocobo-riding induendos you could commit, man.
I need to a) finish the damn steampunk story b) finish coloring Sakkit's illustration for it c) clean out my lj tags d) clean out my room e) figure out when I'm going to Portland next month and if I want Amtrak or Greyhound.