
Jan 09, 2006 11:07

cynic_in_charge, you retard, you aren't my twin. XD

oh god I had an mpreg dream. and I have a horrible feeling it was Sung-min.

(the thing about that is it's probably theoretically possible because his mum is a fox spirit along the lines of a kitsune, and I think they can switch gender. So Sung-min's mum is like GRANDKIDS K THX and Hyun-woo is like Uh two penises here? and Sung-min's mum calls him a silly human and then they turn terrible looks of speculation of Sung-min who then tries to chew off his own leg to escape. Eventually I have to actually write about Sung-min's dad who is an absentminded professor type who is frequently found buried in books and directing a mild look at Sung-min's mum, upon which she stops torturing her son and looks angelic.)

Also I am trying to figure out where you could find out what, exactly, would be used for lube in a steampunk setting. If all else fails use mineral oil, I guess. It does make me wonder uneasily what the hell men actually USED in the Victorian era. I mean. I was reading a study of the London working poor written in 1850odd and there is a casual description of a photographer who had to remove photographic chemicals used to dye someone's hair with cyanide. "He didn't like it cos it stung. DDD:"

I'm trying to figure out how to do a shared journal. o_oa

original, steampunk

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