o hay thar shinji

Oct 26, 2005 00:46

I'd be that much more willing to write Let Me Be With You if I didn't open it up sometimes and realize I have over six thousand words and no idea how I'm going to resolve the fucker. Stupid thing. I really do want to finish it, though.

Sou knows he’s really kind of an asshole, and he’s okay with it, or at least he would be if his assholehood didn’t insist on coming out around Katsura. And around Katsura’s friend but that’s only to be expected, because, well, asshole your name is Sou. He can hide it around anybody else in the world but Katsura brings it out; not because he wants it to but because Katsura is too important to him. He can’t hide what he feels around him even if he wants to.

It even affects his archery sometimes; he’ll be getting ready to draw his bow and realize that Katsura’s watching him, and he has to spend an extra, precious second re-grounding himself, so he doesn’t try to shoot while thinking Katsura’s watching me.

Riku leaned against Sora's bed -- why was his bed more comfortable than Riku's, anyway? -- and watched Sora miraculously keep his balance picking his way through his room.

"-- and I can't believe that Kairi's parents won't let her have a real date to the dance but hey, that'll be kind of fun, yeah? Going as a group, I mean. We should both buy her flowers!"

Riku reached out and took a plate and a soda. "What about Selphie?"

"Tidus and Wakka can buy hers," said Sora, callously. He set down the other plate and can and untangled two controllers from the floor, handed one to Riku and went digging through the area around his bed.

"I think we should fund an archelogical expedition," said Riku. "'Is Sora's Floor a Historical Reality?'"

"Bite me," said Sora, coming up with the remote.

"We could do slides," said Riku, around a cookie. "Like they do in the community hall during the winter."

Sora turned on the TV and the game console. "Not everybody is a psycho neat freak like SOME PEOPLE I know."

"I," said Riku, "am tidy. Which character d'you want?"

"Ed," said Sora. "I can't get the timing for the cat attack down."

"That's cos you suck," said Riku kindly. He reached behind him, grabbed a pillow and wedged it behind his head. Sora's pillow smelt like Sora. It was beyond lame of him for noticing, or even caring. Even lamer was the little voice in the back of his head that spent most of its time pointing out how easy it would be to switch out Sora's pillow case with a fresh one from the linen closet and sneak Sora's pillow case home with him.

Nothing, however, was as lame as the way he shifted a bare millimeter, enough so the heat of Sora's shoulder radiated onto his.

Which is to say, shit I have a lot of crap I either need to finish up or delete or at least chuck up on f.net. Cannot face the thought of coding. At ALL.

Also, speaking of bb_shousetsu, the October issue is due out next week. Mine should be fairly easy to recognize, if only by the 'well hey there's a story illustrated by calintz WHO COULD HAVE SAT DOWN AND WHINED AT HER UNTIL SHE DREW A PICTURE?!' method. It's an awesome illustration, too.

Must go to the vet at nine am and have Oliver's staples removed. No more Frankenpuppy! ;3; He makes such a cute horrible creature created by science, too.

ficbits, rin!, kh, oliver

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