about the first Dear Abby letter

Sep 03, 2005 18:10

because, obviously, people are going OMGWTFBBQ....

OK, so Watanuki goes over to Doumeki's temple more or less randomly and gets shanghaied into helping Doumeki clean. He runs into a spiderweb, Doumeki tears it down, the spider goes >:E and curses Doumeki. The curse is settled in his eye and there is a very nasty looking spiderweb pattern on it. Watanuki gets Yuuko to transfer the curse cos he was the one who ran into the web in the first place and Doumeki has a COW. I mean, totally has a COW, makes Watanuki leave school and get Yuuko for him sort of COW. Yuuko says that she can't transfer the curse back because Watanuki asked first, and in the case of two similar wishes it's first come first served. She also says that there's no way she can grant a wish from Doumeki that the curse be lifted.

The loss of his eye doesn't seem to bother Watanuki much besides the usual loss of, um, depth perception? It doesn't seem to hurt anyway, but since this is Kimi-kun we're talking about the eye appears to give him the ability to see things in the past -- like one minute he's looking at a street, the next minute it's Edo-style, and then it's back to normal. He's perfectly fine with it.

Doumeki is NOT. Doumeki is so not fine with it he spends at least a week buried in the temple storehouse searching for a way to lift the curse. Watanuki gets upset when he finds out and says that he took the curse because he wanted to and there's no reason for Doumeki to put himself out, and Yuuko applies a clue trout to the effect of WELL IT BUGS HIM DOESN'T IT and suggests that Watanuki was selfish in taking the curse. Watanuki is feeling guilty about this but expresses it by going into a chibi spasm of rage.

Himawari gives Watanuki a book to give to Doumeki -- he's borrowing it -- and there's some stuff that is very shippy but I'm not sure of because of the lack of furigana (also, the scans in question were in Chinese, which left me with nothing but the vague impression that Watanuki calls Yuuko Yuuko-niang or something FYish), about Doumeki and Watanuki when Watanuki talks to her.

The upshot of it is that Watanuki stalks over to the temple after work and yells that he's brought Doumeki leftovers and Doumeki should be grateful dammit and in general expresses worry in a teenaged male fashion. He offers to help Doumeki search for the way to lift the curse, and things happen and they find a book written by Doumeki's grandfather that explains how to do it. (randomly, it's written in old fashioned cursive script -- the sort that looks like swirls of ink going down a page? which Doumeki can read and Watanuki cannot. O_o; I have to say I'm sort of impressed by Doumeki now.)

Enter the book from Himawari. It's closer to a bookWORM, and eats the words that explain how to lift the curse. Doumeki freaks -- for Doumeki -- and Watanuki slams his school bag over it in time to stop it from eating every word in the room. Enter Yuuko, who manages to capture the bookworm with some fuda that Doumeki's grandfather did (frankly I'm beginning to worry about Doumeki's grandfather). (note: she's wearing the outfit she's putting on when Sakura-hime talks to her in the last TRC arc, so if we could figure out a timeline we'd know how long time's been running in TRC vs HOLiC.) There's some more conversation and Yuuko's all Yes, it was the book that Himawari-chan brought, wasn't it? and Watanuki kind of goes o______o;.

Anyway, Doumeki and Yuuko are talking and Doumeki mentions the dinner Watanuki brought, and she's all, Really? We had soumen.

Watanuki brought Doumeki something involving miso. I'm under the vague impression it's as far as what Yuuko ate while still being Japanese cooking as you can get.

Doumeki goes o_________o;;;. (It's hilarious, you can totally tell if it was anybody BUT Doumeki they'd be gaping in shock.) Watanuki flips out and tries to get Yuuko out before she embarasses him further, going so far as to bribe her with booze.

Current chapter Watanuki's apparently beginning to realize that Himawari really does bring him bad luck, and Yuuko says something to the effect of that if the curse isn't lifted soon, it isn't going to be lifted at all.

The striking thing is, both the boys are upset because the other is hurt, and they're even MORE upset when the other is suffering because of them. This is partly the whole indebtedness thing but mostly, I think, because the other is hurt because of them. That's really the heart of the matter, and what neither of them is willing to bear.

Doumeki doesn't really CARE about having the curse laid on him -- after all, he did rip the spiderweb down -- but Watanuki is upset because he was the one who stumbled into it in the first place. (I believe Yuuko says the spider was willing to forgive him because it was an accident, but Doumeki tearing down the web was intolerable.) Doumeki is upset because Watanuki took on the curse without asking him about it, made the choice to suffer for what was really not his fault in the first place, out of some weird feeling of obligation or whatever was going through Watanuki's little black head, bless it. It's not being beholden to Watanuki that bugs him, it's Watanuki suffering for something that DOUMEKI did that bugs the holy living fuck out of him.

Yeah. This is BEYOND shippy. >_>;;;

went to a wedding. they had real food. it was outside, and I am sunburnt and tired. If someone gets on I think I have an outlineish thing for the TRC_india fic, which may end up being called The Loyal Servant.

holic, summaries

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