1. Apparently Mer legitimately asked Dawn what we meant by pregaming before the movie, because where she comes from, pregaming means drinking.
1a. It's like she doesn't even know us or has been in our household or ANYTHING.
1b. Yes, we are pregaming before the movie. Well, for me it's more like medicating before I'm surrounded by a million people, but we are going to Applebees in our classy as shit Marvel gear and eat dinner and drink like weasels before we get in line.
1c. We are 110% pure class.
2. I think it was Diane Duane in Spock's World who posited a MMORPG made for telepaths where the person in question got um really addicted, but playing Guild Wars kind of made me remember it today.
2a. I'm kind of enjoying it, although I am strong in the derp. Basically I click all the things and hope something hits.
4. Watch this space for feels!
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