I keep trying, guys. I keep trying.
01. Erik/Charles (everybody I was mass emailing this morning is sitting up and shrieking OH MEG NOOO)
02. Probably something something INCEEEEPTION
03. Fanmix something something something
05. Tony/Steve something something
06. Fighter vs Mage ST (I promise it will make sense.)
07. Rec list something
08. Another rec list? My K/S collection is mildly epic and hilarifying
09. Star Trek something something
10. Eagle fic Yule something something
11. Tendou birthday celebration thingy (I still love that we had a logical idea for when he was born)
Suggestions from peanut gallery???
Twelve Days is the time between Christmas and Epiphany / Three Kings, known to you heathens and people who were not raised by strange, lapsed Catholic evangelical mothers as January 6th. You know that carol? the twelve days of Christmas one? YEAH. THAT.
To be fair, there wasn't a lot to do back in the day in midwinter except get violently drunk and riotous.
Anyway, i try to do a fanthing a day but by the sixth day I'm like I WISH ONLY FOR DEATH GOODBYE but ... I keep trying.
Ugh so the copy of The Eagle I've been waiting on since September is finally in at the library, but that means I have to go to the library and it is horrible out right now. I guess we got two inches of rain and counting today.
... it's a little creepy and weird that if you preorder the gun kink anthology (which sounds interesting and I may order it --
inappropriate relationships with sentient objects! I am kind of a fan!) and you order both the ebook and the print copy, they send you a poster of the cover, right? What would you do with it? Where would you put it? What if your mother or someone you didn't know well had to go into your bedroom? "Why is there a naked dude with a gun covering his gun on your wall?" Maybe it's a small poster and you could keep it in a portfolio with other 'etchings'.
I'm not very fond of visual porn, though, so maybe other people would be a lot more excited over the prospect of owning two copies of the same book, one of which could never be taken out in public without a cover like you were reading Twilight and didn't want to admit your shame.
(item: their author guidelines -- I read these things a lot because I figure someday I'll be so done with poop that writing porn for ebook publishers will seem like an entirely valid career choice -- says if you have a bisexual romance the bisexuality must be clearly displayed. I'm ... not sure how you're supposed to do that? I guess I'm old fashioned but if you're going for a pairing instead of a triad, how the hell are you supposed to demonstrate it? Have an old boyfriend show up? Make out with a cute lesbian at a club?)
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