so how's that 'shame' thing working out for you meg

Jun 24, 2011 07:48

I may be committing a manny AU.

I was BEGGED, okay. BEGGED.

...more importantly, has anybody gotten enough of a good look at Moira's Russian hat -- the blue one, bulky weight seed stitch, I think -- to be able to copy that nonsense? I really want it but I need a good look at the way the decreases are done on the crown, plus I want a really nice heathery yarn like hers.

I was thinking about Charles' mitts, too, but those are pretty obviously Old Ones from the War he found in the Attic, so those would be dead easy. If I could just get a good look at Moira's hat!

(Didn't particularly care for Moira in the movie -- too cardboardy -- but that hat! I yearned over it during the entire scene.)

Today I have to go to the meeting at work, bah, and I was going to go to B&N to ask the dude about why my DEL key wants to be an L key, but last night it kind of started working again. I guess I'll go anyway so I can get the card reloaded and harry the Nookdude's soul a little.

Yes, I could take a pretty stiff exam in the Nook right now. It's one of my great joys in life to know more about a product than the dude selling it.

I did kind of forget that if I write over a thousand words at a go, my hands become ravaged unusable claws of pain the next morning. FUCK YOU, ARTHRITIS.

nook, xmen

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