I had to compromise my ~*~artistic integrity~*~ because --
well okay if you're here because you're waiting patiently for me to write Kirk and Spock porno, scroll on down, BUT long story short, I promised Dawn I'd do a knitted thing for the Kumori-con auction, and I decided to do a Dumpling bag like this one I did a couple of years ago:
only instead of lame visual puns about pumpkins it's going to be a Pokeball.
Yes, I know, I have learned to live with the shame, okay?
The problem here is that your standard Pokeball is red and white, and Dumpling bags are felted. Due to the process whereby wool is bleached, white wool typically felts poorly -- like, bitter laughter and advice not to bother poorly -- especially if it's a bright white. Other colors, even though your mileage varies by brand, method of dying, phase of the moon, how much the knitting gods love you etc etc etc, tend to felt better because the wool scales are less stripped by the process of dying.
So I had to decide if I wanted to have a real white for the bag or if I wanted to spend less than fourteen dollars on a god damn skein of wool for something that was going to a charity auction when I had to buy two skeins of wool anyway. Practicality won, sad to say, but since the other half is a bright red like it's supposed to be, I think it should be okay. I can always lie and say it's natural colored because I was afraid of Nintendo's copyright lawyers.
It should turn out pretty cute, I hope! I might have enough yarn to do two of them, which I'll either carry around con or save for a present or something. I'm still not sure what to do about the seam part of the Pokeball, because it hurts something deep inside my brain to buy an entire skein of black wool to use about fifteen yards of it to do the seam and embroider the seal, and yet. I dunno, anybody have some odd ends of Cascade 220 in black kicking around?
Also I need to make a striped scarf for my costumes, and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to navigate between 'matching the mascot more or less' and 'can stand to wear around neck in early September' =w=