thanks dudes!

May 11, 2010 07:01

Yay, Caramelldansen song!

I have this crazed dream of the TOS/AOS version, where like, TOS Kirk, NuKirk and Mirror Kirk dance in a line, and then it's like, Rand, Chapel and Uhura, then Kirk, Bones and Spock. And of course, the three Spocks, only it's like, Old Spock, New Spock and Mirror Spock and Mirror Spock and New Spock are like :| :| :| even as they do the rabbit ears, and Old Spock in the Delta Vega outfit is just like :D :D :D.

Sulu's thing would probably be like, him, Chekov and a tentacle plant. I AM JUST SAYING.

...teefury, why you gotta cockblock me like this? Every god damn time I have money, you have nothing but Lost shirts, and the second I'm broke you start having Spock joke teeshirts. This is not cool, dudes.

I'm going to get bacon now. Hey does anybody have any good recs for Jim and Gaila BFFery? not like, sexytiems. More like, "Hi, those assholes over there just dared me to drunkenly hit on you, so I'm over here now, because you are much prettier and probably better people than they are. Do you want a drink?" "Aw! That's so sweet of you. Let's go hit on people all night!" And somewhere, while Spock and Uhura are having a nerdy date night together and translating Klingon together, they get a chill of foreboding and don't even know why. Bones does too, but he already knows why.

star trek, twinks! in! spaaace!

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