not that I've started watching Merlin yet, really

Dec 04, 2008 11:58

Okay, now I'm torn - I'd like to get the Arashi calender for the year, but what - what - what the hell did they put Aiba, Nino and Sho in for the cover? Jun's just standing between Sho and Aiba with a look like "in five seconds that stylist is going to be put out of my misery >:|" over those godawful plaid suits he has to stand between. You notice that he got plain black, even if he does have pants tucked into boots.

Lexapro is so far working out pretty good, so we're holding steady on that. I was right about my cloresterol -- 216 bah -- so I promised to try to get to 150lbs and go on from there. ("Don't you want to be your high school weight? don't you remember how that felt?" "A) FAMINE VICTIM BARBIE b) never paid attention." "....") I'm not holding my breath about that working, though, because my dad's side of the family has problems processing it. Everything else except vitamin D level is fine! Which is like half of what it should be, but usually PNW people have low levels so I just gotta take a supplement, although according to Mom she has trouble processing it, too. Also he wants me to take calcium.

Other than that, he wants to see me in February, and I'm getting what they delicately refer to as a 'female exam' next week d/t new and exciting history of uterine cancer and my normal fairly high risk of cancer generally in the girlbits. also I have not had one for like five years d/t lack of insurance

MEG: would make me a horrible person if I tried to find someone to make me a Merlin fanvid to "girlfriend" right
INGRID: ... Yes, yes it would.
MEG: you have to admit, it would be badass
MEG: especially if it was an Arthur one
MEG: it would be FUNNY
INGRID: Bad Meg!
MEG: :(

I installed Sunbird, the Mozilla calender thing, and I really like it so far, but I can't figure out how to run it in the tray or even if that's an option, which would be nice. FAQs stare blankly at me.

meg vs crazytown, boybands are awesome, that's just gay, arashi

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