So ... UBC was locked down. Sort of.
We were all told that there was a police emergency in the Biological Sciences building and that we were not to leave our building. 30 minutes later, we were told an exit route we could take if we wanted to leave our building provided we headed immediately off campus directly along the route specified. 30 minutes later, we were told that it was over.
So what was it? A police emergency.
What does that mean? Who the fuck knows.
I hate being left in the dark like that. Given the range of ways of communicating actual information, why was I only fed ... well .. nothing?
Then, I remembered the Interweeb. Livejournal gave me a few things ... most notably a link to another site which gave me lots of information. I have since signed up at their site.
They are called
Now Public - Crowd Powered Media . I like the look of the site and will play around with it a bit to see how it works. They have a toll free number you can phone in and, once you have set your cell number in the user settings, have your phone posts associated with your account. If you want to be a journalist, they can alert you when things are happening in your area via SMS messages. All kinds of wonderful things if only you plug in your personal contact data. :P Given that my work contact data is not protected, I plugged that in.
So ... it sounds like a guy with a gun who was in the BioSci building. He has since been apprehended. speculation