(no subject)

May 01, 2001 20:21

I have felt alternately very happy and very angry today. I was angry in the morning. I needed to print out twenty copies of an abstract before my presentation (I had ten minutes), and this girl gave me a lecture about how we could only print one copy and threatened to confiscate all my papers, which really pissed me off first of all because I hadn't slept more than three hours, but more because of the hypocrisy of the situation. You are allowed to print out one copy of a thirty-page paper, but Heaven forbid you print out thirty copies of a one-page paper.


But my presentation went well. Kernan stuck her tongue out at me at the beginning of my talk, which helped put me at ease much more. So I guess the talk went fine. Kernan did bamboo! I was so amused. That was my topic last semester. I could have done the talk for her. It is especially funny because she wanted to do water chestnuts for her presentation, but I had picked that topic already.

But oh what a beautiful day. I went out and picked flowers for Jes and Meg. And we went on a field trip to Nasami Farms and I didn't even get sunburned. Megan (a different one) and I spent our fifteen minutes of free time down by the river, wading, drinking the water. It was most pleasant.

I had to send out a mean phonemail today about putting a work freeze on for reading period and finals. I had to threaten people with blocking them from being hired next year. But I gues there wasn't much other choice. I have such a headache. I wish Marianne hadn't taken all of my Advil.

I have been having all these flashbacks today. To second grade up through this afternoon. All the stupid things I have ever done. All my mistakes. Crashing down on me. I very nearly broke down crying yesterday. It's just like having someone kicking me and insulting me while I am curled up on the floor in pain. And I don't think I can take it much longer.

Argh. Need to call my mommy.

meg, depression, kernan, jes, mom, smith

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