Since when am I a football fan?

Feb 04, 2002 01:09

Today was a perfectly beautiful day.

Sunny. No brazen wind chill factor like yesterday.

Church was fabulous. Beatitudes. I adore the beatitudes. It makes me feel better about my imperfections. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

And the priest was anti-consumerism today.

Nancy and I tried to go to a "cultural event" at Amherst College, but due to my fear of leaping over open sewers, we missed the bus. So we bought some candy for the house meeting tomorrow and went home.

I fell asleep on the Diana Hayes book that I dislike, and reawoke when my sisters called up, bearing gifts such as my seven-dollar ballgown, humongous calendar, sketchpad, and football-shaped cake.

My Nalgene is in an alternate universe, apparently.

We ate too much kielbasa and chicken wings and went on up to Emily Cooper's room to scream bloody murder for four hours. Ohhhh the joy.

The Patriots WON, by the way, and I no longer have a voice because I was so freaking excited.)

And I learned how to play Free Cell. Bad Layna, bad.

AND i talked to my best friend, finally, who is going off to England (sniff) and then back to Australia (sniff, sniff).

AUGH! I can't take another semester without Lisa! And I want all three of us to be here simultanously. Remind me: WHY did Nancy accelerate a full year? Oh yeah, because she was BORED. She is the most busy and least stressed person at Smith College. I swear.

sports, church, food, liz, oochie, nancy, lisa

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