And now for part two of my day

Sep 26, 2001 01:51

We all had lunch together, which was odd because Chris usually eats in the Worcester DC and we were at franklin. And we got to me the infamous Jameson, who was just what I expected. Except he's an English major. Who knew Chris liked hanging out with English majors?

UMass food is VILE.

We talked about the Rennaissance Festival on Saturday, which I am excited about. Gino is coming. Chris needs to borrow a dress, so I guess I will lend her the velvet one. i thought I wouldn't be able to come, because brian is coming that day (yes, you can all meet him). But he very graciously agreed to come, so everything is wonderful in my book.

Liz drove me home, and after the usual parking hoop-di-doo, we went to my room so she could get that picture of herself with a humongous lollipop. (She needs it for a self-portrait)

I took a nap then. It was supposed to be a half-hour, but wound up lasting till my meeting at four-thirty. Both of my alarm clocks are in a state of disrepair. I thought at least one would work, but either both failed, or my brain rejected the idea of awakening so strongly that I slept through.

Good thing Nancy's around.

By the way, all you Smithies should join Bodywise, because
1. I am in it, and I am cool.
2. Nancy is in it, and since she is my room/suitemate, she is cool by association.
3. There are not annoying people in the group.
4. It meets on Tuesdays from 5-6, when you wouldn't be doing anything anyway, except anticipating dinner.
5. It is a cool club, we talk about happy body image and how food is good, and we do workshops and stuff. Next Tuesday we are watching a movie.
6. It is in the Women's Resource center, which is a fascinating room that looks like an abandoned yardsale. (It is above Davis, by the way, the righthand set of stairs)
7. I am in it, and I am cool.

Had a lovely dinner, I ate with those firstyears who avoid me a lot (maybe because I yelled at them for being on the roof), and had a nice time. Erika and I decided that we would spend Thursday dinners together, like last year. And decided that we wanna go to India for spring break. If I can afford it, which is unlikely if liz and I go to Italy.

Our meeting was short, we just did checkins and most went to the service orgs fair, but I didn't since Aisha decided that we had to go shopping RIGHT away. So now I have seven boxes of caramel in my room.

Grrr. I do not appreciate Mountain Day this year.

Eric and Nancy have finally stopped yelling for the night. Perhaps now I can sleep, at least for a bit.

Five more hours before the rhyming and the chiming of the bells!

brian, eric, food, liz, umass, erika, oochie, gino, body image, jameson, nancy

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