Nancy sounds so tired when she answers the phone

Sep 24, 2001 23:49

Today was very, well, interesting.

I awoke thinking about how I must write my weekly report, and, unenthused by the idea of recording the worst parts of my week in condensed, unhappy form, went back to sleep. I proceeded to have what should have been a nice dream, but was in fact a nightmare. I was sleeping in my dream, and Liz and Chris kidnapped me and brought me to UMass, so I could have a day off. And there was a party and they gave me lots of interesting juices (because juice is my new big thing), and even though it was really nice, I was very angry because I was missing three classes, two meetings, a Glee Club rehearsal, and an outing with Carrot Ears. I do NOT like missing that much stuff. But then I woke up, and said, oh! I only missed Social Ethics. So I wrote up my report and went off to tai chi, which I am enjoying more and more.

And I had my Mary class, which was excruciatingly long because I had not eaten for twenty-four hours. But I was sitting there today thinking, there are so many fabulous people in that class! Britta and Kate and EmiandSylvia and Eileen and Sonora and Corinna. And Vera, of course. And I gave Britta that rosary that I bought for someone but I didn't know who. She has found her home, i believe. So cool, so cool.

I ate my lunch at Duckett, at the Italian table. Laura of Washburn was there, which was unexpected but marvelous. And there was tomato soup. Nothing more pleasing to my tummy could be had.

Carrot Ears and I went to Beyond Words and tried to find the cat, but the cat would not be found, which saddened me. But we found some fantabulous books about a Captain Underpants and his adventures, which was just so terribly alluring that I had to get all five, under the pretext that I would give them to my little sister. I am hoping my little sister does not read this, but if she does, what a lot you have to look forward to!

A geeky but wonderful fellow came to fix my telephone jack today. I am remarkably happy, though this will mean I have to give up my second home, the telephone booth in the hallway.

Glee Club was glee club. Jonathan made me move a whole row away from Devi, which loneliized me. We signed up for rooms, and Devi and I are with the lovely Kate and Rachel, the latter whom I am determined to be excellent friends with if it kills me. I should like to be excellent friends with the former as well, but I believe that will be less likely to kill me.

We had to sing "Old Grandma" which is a horrible and ridiculous song which everyone hates.

Dinner was a meeting with the social chairs, which went fine, though I missed a lot of it since I was singing.

Poor Emily. She needs her Mountain Day. That's all I have to say about that.

I miss Yuko and Jill. And Amy Mac. And all sorts of other high school personas.

i have discovered the library. it does wonders for your concentration. I did a lot of reading which I thought, about ten minutes ago, was all in vain, but it really isn't. I just read a different version of what I should have read. I was very very pissed off a little while ago, which is why I signed off suddenly on a couple of you guys. Sorry about that.

I love my religion t-shirt.

ok. Tomorrow, we will plan for Mountain Day, in case it is on Wednesday. if it is tomorrow, I will just have to give up.

food, yuko, jill, kate, hca, smith, rachel, carrot ears, glee club, books, library

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