Nobody knows I'm Catholic

Sep 23, 2001 18:38

Today I went to Emily's Episcopalian church, where there was a power outage and an attractive pastor. The service was rather like learning Portugese when you are already fluent in Spanish. Most of the prayers were the same, but with slightly different wording, and I stood up one time when I should have knelt.

As to whether or not they believe in transubstantiation, was very ambiguous in the prayer.

I am thinking about this whole femme smithies unite plan. I emailed one of the leader people, so I am now on the mailing list. That is a step in the right direction, I think.

Argh. I want a girlfriend.

You knw what's cool? Those staghorn fern thingies. I think they look like flying cabbages with elephant ears.

Yesterday I got to hang out with Carrot Ears for a while. We went and got juice, which I think made me happier than it made her, but hey, i got juice. And we watched But I'm a Cheerleader in its entirenty, which I have never done before. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Random people walked in and out, which added to my entertainment.

Gah. House meeting tonight.

there's so much that needs done lately
I can't make out what's important anymore
I don't know where my needs begin
and someone else's ends
I don't wanna let anybody down
cause I feel like I'm falling down when I do
but for now would someone else
please volunteer to say,
"it'll be all right"
"it'll be okay"
"it'll be all right"
Hey, yeah.
"it'll be okay."


song lyrics, church, carrot ears, plants, movies

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