Complaints about myself and others

Aug 27, 2001 20:38

TO check off my to-do list: Go to ANOTHER trans workshop. This is number four, and hopefully not the last. I plan to have one in my house this year, because, well, it is becoming a hobby. So I got to see Tre (whose hair looks like a piece from a black leather jacket with red stitching) and Lee (whose hair now looks like it is on fire) once more. Lee is so cute. Like, aww kind of cute.

So of course I asked lots of dumb questions and made several stupid comments because that has become one of my new hobbies as well. *look of disgust with self* This never used to be a problem. I used to just be a quiet person who watched and listened and never got myself into trouble, but now, I just talk whenever the inclination comes to me, be it appropriate or no, without thinking. Grrrr. *bangs head against doorframe*

I kind of thought I had offended Tre yesterday because I mentioned something about him being less scary than he was last year, which, you know, I meant as a compliment, but that didn't really work. I mean, I have spent much of my life being intimidated by various things and people, which may not be a good thing, but I really feel like I have moved on in some ways and want to celebrate that. So of course I act like an IMBECILE.

And I also said something about M'issa, who Nancy in passing referred to as my friend. And I said, well she isn't really my friend, which was not meant to be insulting in any way shape or form, but totally came off that way. But come on, I have talked to M'issa three times in my life, and not extensively. I didn't recognize her at first, and she didn't recognize me. And that is fine. She is a lovely person, but not my friend. My friends know my middle name. My friends can name at least two of my siblings. My friends know my major. M'issa doesn't know any of that, unless she reads my livejournal, which I doubt.

Gah. I have a headache. I just really want to go home at this point. My sister's birthday is Thursday, and my dad's is Friday. I am getting my dad a lava lamp. You don't even know how excited about this I am. I think he should keep it in his office and show it to students.

Today was okay. Definitely better than Saturday's workshop, which I ranted about to my mother for an hour and probably didn't write about here because of that. Basically, it was a diversity workshop that focused ONLY on race and class issues. Overarchingly, the focus was of race, and sending ALL the white girls on a guilt trip, and then not focusing energy in any positive way. Pissed me off. Not too many things piss me off.

And I am a bit concerned about Emily, who seems to have decided that she doesn't really want to enforce policy unless it is a blatant in-your-face violation. She wants to be people's friend, which I can totally see, but she also has to make sure the house is under control. I told her that if I see anything, be it a candle or beer can or fish or whatever, I am GOING to take action. And if she has to, Nancy is going to take action too. But that is not her job. That's Emily's job. And of course, it all might be fine, there might not BE any violations or whatever, but I think we have to be ready to take action, and we need to make that clear, or else we have chaos. TRUST ME. Or if you don't, ask my second session. They'll tell you.

But this year will be good. Yes it will. As long as I get some sleep.

gender, lee, tre, oochie, emily, dad, nancy, mom, racism

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