unauthorized day off.

Aug 26, 2002 10:47

I'm sick.
I am really hot and freezing cold at the same time.
I know in reality that I must be hot, because it is 87 degrees outside and I have a temperature of 101.6. But I have flannel pajamas and a fleece blanket on and I am still shivery.
My head hurts and my stomach hurts and I couldn't stand up all the way through church yesterday. I had to go fall over in the cry room.
Toast and juice, baby.
It's really unfortunate that God chose today for me to be ill, because Becky and Grainne are at the Cape again, which means the bakery is being run by the not-exactly-competent hands of Katie and Ashley. Oh dear. Monica probably won't be in until the afternoon, but we can hope. Technically, I've been around longer than both Katie and Ashley, meaning I know how to do more stuff.


At least I will get to watch Passions today.

But oh, I hate doing nothing for long stretches of time. I have been sleeping for the better part of three days now, and my hips hurt because of it. (I always sleep on my side.)


sickness, home

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