on the road again

Aug 25, 2002 16:14

So I have this evil plan. I have been looking at cars for sale along the road, and I really want one. I want to get one for myself, then pay for it by driving myself home every Thursday evening (no Friday classes for me), and working at the bakery two days, then driving back up to school.

This would solve the what-work-study-job-should-I-get issue, and I would also have a car when I graduated, making finding a job or whatever much easier.

On the other hand, then I'd have to get a parking pass, which I hear is difficult, and pay for gas and insurance, and the bakery is already hiring people to replace me. I might not be able to come home every weekend due to Glee Club. But, I would get to see my family every weekend, and I really don't want to leave them.

School causes such problems.

cars, plans, smith

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