I wanna be Your Hands, I wanna be Your feet, I will go where You send me

Aug 05, 2002 23:19

Thursday through Sunday were four wonderful days, except that Jill wouldn't let us shower and Christine was feeling yucky.

Thursday I ran into work to bring my co-worker Ashley six variously-colored roses for her birthday, and then Jill and Christine and I drove up to Loon Mountain listening to Five Iron Frenzy and Relient K. We went to our campsite before going over to the festival, and we set up our tent. Well, Christine and I set up the tent and Jill in her dirt-avoiding latex gloves gave directions. We had ourselves some lunch and went off to see Relient K live. I knew one song, but it was lots of fun. The skies opened up and rained on us, which was lovely until it was cold. Lots of guys took their shirts off. If there is one thing about guys that I love, it is their backs. I think male backs are absolutely beautiful.

Our collarbones vibrated with the intensity of the bass. I tried to decide whether my heart's beat was changing due to the music or the holiness. It was an amazing place to be. I thought a lot about my life and the choices I make, and the fact that my resolve is about as strong as a wall of sand. And I don't know how to change that.

I thought about abortion and the disturbing dream I had and how if I had a bumper sticker I would have one that says either "choose life" or "question abortion." I already have th second one, so it might be good to pick.

I thought about how I really don't believe in being born again, and I don't want to convert people. If someone sees how I live and wants to follow the same path, that is great, and I will try to help that person along they way, but I am not going to push anyone along.

And I thought about how annoying it is when Christians make fun of queer people. Next year I want to go and wear Petra's shirt that says "Jesus <3's Lesbians," and see how people react.

Anyway, over the next three days, we saw the Newsboys, the Supertones, Superchick (my second-favorite bad), Delirious?, Audioadrenaline, Switchfoot, Mary Mary, TobyMac (who is part of DC Talk), Rebecca St. James...there are others, but I don't know who. The saddest thing was that Five Iron Frenzy wasn't there this year because they are on their Warped Tour.

We hiked around the campsite, consoled a couple of very scared girls whose uncle had just run into a tree and broken his leg. We swam in Echo Lake, we walked by the Basin and took pictures of interesting fungi. We went to Staples where I bought a set of 120 Crayola crayons to replace the ones that my HR ruined last year. (I am extremely possessive of my crayones. Touch them and I will NOT be pleased.)

We played MASH on the way home. I started a poem about my co-worker Shayn who is awesome.

We learned how to play train dominoes, which is very fun.

I hugged the people holding "free hugs" signs. We declared ourselves the farewell committee on Saturday night and sent off a couple hundred people.

We ate overpriced greasy food and drank a lot of Brisk lemon iced tea.

And we came home.

It was really a marvelous time. I now want CD's by Switchfoot, Mary Mary, and Audioadrenaline. Especially Audioadrenaline.

Today at work I was cranky, despite having listened to "Try to Believe" on the way over, which is my favorite song to drive to work to. I was tired and my co-workers weren't really doing that much. I didn't eat until 2:30. But tomorrow I am going into Assumption because Eliot is visiting, which should be cool.

Also today, we saw a rainbow.

I have poetry I want to write, but I also have my comfy bed calling my name. The bed is more insistent.

church, religion, jill, god, inside out, christine

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