Wednesday is spaghetti and meatballs day.

Jul 31, 2002 23:59

Today was an INTERESTING day at the bakery. Two film stuents came in and asked if they could shoot their film project at Mrs. Mack's, and my boss said sure. I don't know when they're gonna do it, but my bakery is gonna be on TV! Wahoo!

We have all these weird fillings in the cooler. Like, if we felt like it, we could make a guava-papaya pie. Or just a guava pie. I think I might like to order one someday just because I can.

Ashley has heatstroke yesterday, and she was recovering again today, so for the THIRD day in a row, I have to work with just Katie, whom I don't particularly like since she is cranky and impatient and mean to the customers when they ask for things more complicated than two eggs, toast, and coffee. ARGH. You represent the bakery, in the name of Grainne McAvey.

Ack, someone just signed in as me on AIM somewhere, and I got kicked off. That is NOT COOL. The only people who know my password are my sisters, and Chris is asleep and Liz is..I don't know where Liz is.

Also, I have a migraine. The beginning of one where everything is sparkly and I have blind spots. I think this is very interesting.

I love kickboxing.

My parents are so cute. They never go on actual dates, like dinner or plays, but they go to the laundromat together. I wonder what they talk about there. Probably us. My mom talks about us a lot. Sometimes it bothers me, when she talks about all of our most personal problems. Can we say ARGH?

Anyway. just so you don't panic when I disappear, I am going to the Inside Out Soul Festival in New Hampshire this weekend, so I won't be around till Monday. I am going with Christine and Jill's family. Yay for four days of Christian rock and four nights of sleeping on the ground.

mrs. mack's, migraine, family

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