Long, thrilling entry

May 21, 2001 23:41

I have been trying to read "The Winged Seed" which is a sort of poetic diary of a Chinese refugee. I can't. It is more of a journey through nighmares. "A kaleidoscope of dreams and nightmares" said the critic. More nightmares, it seems to me. Dreams, these are not dreams.

Dreams are that world in which I lie every night and often much of the morning, that beautiful oil-pastel world in which the light shines always and music plays in the background and my subconscious makes silly puns. That world from which I am loathe to awaken each morning, and thus put it off as long as possible. I have always said that sleep takes priority over all else. There is rarely anything I would rather do.

Today, of course, I slept until noon. I woke up and had lunch, which included a baked potato from the fridge, which I ate like an apple. A lot of people think I am weird when I do that. But Chris does that too. Not to say Chris is normal or anything. Mom came home and we discussed the fact that I need a second job. I might substitute teach or something. I went to a religious ed teachers' meeting today. I am trying to teach CCD to 7th and 8th graders. Mrs. Verderese thinks I am young though (she has a rather stuck-up son my age), and inexperienced, so she MIGHT give me the job. We shall see.

I also worked in the garden for about three hours, after Passions was over. (My dad is so intrigued by that show, it is amusing) I moved all the johnny-jump-ups over to where the peach tree is, and was going to plant all the other flowers in the garden today as well, but ran out of time. I hope I can do that before it rains tomorrow. I discovered that dusty miller propogates via offshoots, which means we have a bunch of dusty miller from last year's plants, plus the new ones my mom bought this year. It is cool, especially since my mom really likes dusty miller.

I have been thinking about swimming lately. The lake looks terribly inviting, but I am quite sure that the water is still cold and that it would be inauspicious to dive in, especially with no one else around who can save me. I should really start doing some kind of activity though. Jeannie and I were going to join the new health club at White City but evidently they ran out of money and can't finish building it, so scratch that idea. I guess we'll do tae bo or something. *shrug* I am really out of shape; I quit my dance class early in the semester.

I have been listening to "Intro to Belly Dancing" on endless repeat. it is a very happy song that Carrot Ears sent to me. Of course, I want to take belly dancing now. I went to a workshop on it once, and it was a great deal of fun. My sister couldn't do it; she is too skinny. You have to have serious hips to pull it off.

I am contemplating my figure a lot. Don't ask me why. Usually I am worried about theological problems in the world, not how much I weigh. Without clothes, I really look like one of those sculptures of greek godesses. Maybe even a little thin for that. It is so weird, our perception of beauty nowadays. It is terribly abnormal. But of course, I still want to lose weight. Jean and I have this plan to buy two-piece bathing suits when we have reached our goals, and then we can go to the beach in them. Jean is a bit heavier than I am, so it is important to her. She really needs support though, because she really likes sweets. As do I, but I like other things too, like broccoli.

My room is so happy now. I burned incense yesterday, which is forbidden at school, and frowned upon here. Daddy is somewhat allergic to it. He doesn't like candles or perfume either.

I miss lisa. I wish she weren't going so far away. I am still bitter at Marc, sho gets to have her for two months. I mean, she'd be going to Maryland anyway, but it is easier to be bitter at one person than all of Maryland. I miss Nancy too. I miss a lot of people really, Michelle and Mia and Jes and Meg and all the random people I see every day at school. And weird as it is, I miss the people I talk to online. I miss Carrot Ears and little Toby and even Anthony. Yeah. I talk to Anthony a lot more online than in real life. Maybe that is screwed up.

Hmm. I think I will be a kind sweet and wonderful sister and go iron my sister's skirt. She has to go schmooze tomorrow. She is very unhappy about this. C'est la vie.

meg, michelle, body image, lisa, carrot ears, marc, mia, food, oochie, teaching, exercise, jes, books, toby, anthony, family, plants

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