Today because the house was very cold, I decided to make some carrot muffins with the aid of our salad shooter. (Kitchen appliances, I love them. I actually have my very own salad shooter.) They came out mediocre by my account, but Jeannie and Johnny liked them, and they are the picky ones. Anyway, while I was cooking, I was playing my heal-please CD that Britta gave to me, and my dad came home somewhere in the middle. When "The Littlest Birds" came on, he started dancing round the kitchen. Joy abounds on this rainy day.
Oh, but
Stellucina, your room is leaking. Sorry dude.
I have declared it time for college to be over, and thus time for the
Sand Carro Club to come home.
Josh, do you have a car? I'm bored and I don't wanna write papers anymore.