So my room at home looks like an extremely well-organized tornado ripped through it and deposited stacks of folders and books and notebooks and pairs of jeans and projects dating back to the sixth grade, all over the floor. My parents helped me pack up. My dad came along to carry the heavy stuff (though I maintain that I could have done it myself), but we spent most of the time taking stuff down off the wall. He got sick of it VERY quickly. He also declared that I ought to pursue a career as a collage archivist because (he said rather bitterly), I save EVERYTHING.
Do I really OWN this much crap? I swear, I put eight large objects in the trunk room. Where in the name of Elvis did I GET all this stuff?
Maybe my room shrank.
I emailed Liz Carr my spiritual autobiography, complete with Five Iron Frenzy quote and the legend of Persephone, I have until today at some point for all those overdue response papers, which I don't know if she is actually GETTING because I don't think Liz Carr actually checks her email.
Saturday was Liz's Honors Graduation ceremony, which was very dull except for the speech made by the 1941 graduate. And of course the random guys who like to yell. Random guys amuse me to no end.
Yesterday was exciting because FATHER MORACCHI presided, and he is my favorite priest EVER, because he is cute and dorky and Jesuit, and I LOVE Jesuits, and I have not seen him preach in years. He gave a homily all about how God and mothers deserve glory. It was cool.
Last night I had a very interesting dream about living with the Dursley's (though my dad was there too, as well as a guy named Richard who audits Smith religion classes) and getting a Hogwarts letter, detailing how I had to get into a rocketship (which was hidden in a lamppost near the bus stop) between 5:50 AM and 6:00 AM, and attend Hogwarts on another planet. But there were too many people around, so I had to take bus #6 1/2 instead. Jill was on the bus, which didn't make any sense because she is very Christian and therefore won't read the Harry Potter books. We had to go to a place that was very very white, and
Christine met us there, as well as
Carolyn, which was odd, because I have never actually met her before.
I have been very tired lately, which is mainly why I have not been updating. I have also been grinding my teeth while sleeping, which is something I did a lot in high school and have tried to stop. All my back teeth hurt.
I'm alone. I hate being alone. My brother and sister are at school, my mom's at work. I don't know where my dad is. Buying more bricks for the patio, maybe. I'm used to Liz not being around, but I wish Chris were here.
Oh well. Back to Mystics.