Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If
no_pancakes commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Scores upon scores of minions.
2) Is
fa11ing_away your best friend? Nope.
3) What would you do if
how_common died? Be sad and shocked, most likely.
4) What is
connikins's favorite color? Not a clue. I associate her with black.
5) Does
wethis drink? Yes.
6) Is
chifley friends with
weeesplatt? Yep.
7) If
ranorith took over the world, who would suffer? Everyone except him.
8) How would
de_chel kill
how_common? Good question. They're ages away. Letterbomb, I suspect.
9) Did
chifley break up with you? Don't think so.
10) What is
ranorith allergic to? Nothing that I know of.
11) Which of your friends should
weeesplatt go out with? She probably shouldn't, Sam might be upset.
12) What planet should
zidtt be from? Voltron!!!!
13) Would you set up
ranorith and
blinvisible? Nah... don't think I would.
14) Thoughts on
wethis? I like her.
15) What is
kadotsu's biggest flaw? Caffeine addiction. Though that may not be a flaw...
16) Would
lonecow be a better ninja or pirate? Ninja.
17) Is
weeesplatt athletic? Yar! Or flexible, anyway.
18) What mental disorder does
wethis remind you of? She doesn't?
19) Are
fa11ing_away and
zidtt married? No.
20) Have you flirted with
zidtt? Don't believe so.
21) How long have you known
de_chel? Since the beginning of last year.
22) Do you think
lonecow is hot? She's not my type.
23) Is
connikins related to you? Nope.
24) Is
itchytail 1337? Lol, k n00b.
25) Is
how_common single? No idea.
26) If
how_common were hanging off a cliff, what would
ranorith do? He'd probably help her, or call for help.
27) Is
darias_boots popular? Sure.
28) Do you have a crush on
itchytail? Nope.
29) Which president would
jess_with_a_hat be likely to idolize? None that I know of.
30) How tall is
itchytail? About average for a guy. I don't notice these things...