May 14, 2008 22:53
I don't really know how to put it, but I guess the last 48 hours have kind of been encompassed in all-around, "fuck yeah" kind of moments.
It's not like it's been a great 48 hours by any means, but it's been littered with these small spaces, like, "wow, things don't suck all of the time, they really don't!"
Backing up:
On Monday, Colin read that part of my journal... that last real post, talking about "how do you say 'I'm sorry' about youthful ignorance to someone that you care about?" so, hah! I guess that's how you do it. You talk about how you don't know how to do it in your livejournal. HAH! I didn't know anyone (besides Erik) read this thing... let alone someone from my past without a journal. ..and another thing, I have no idea why I keep writing in here. I've had this journal for well over 6 years. I don't post in it often and lots of times, it's not even about anything important. Realistically? It has nothing to do with voyeurism. It has nothing to do with wanting or not wanting anyone but me to read these words. I need to write these things down and the PLAIN, DUMB FACT of it all, really lies in that it's faster to type than it is to write! If I blather, I feel that my time was severely wasted when I spend it with a pen in hand, but typing? Let the prattling continue!
With that, it was a good day. It just so happened that the people at work fucked up with the schedule and they didn't write me in on the floor... soooooo, I got to go home and go to the Hardskin show! It sucked, really, though. The show started 2 hours late (of course) but since it's 29, it had to be finished by 9.30. Not to be overly cynical, but the second out of town band never said their name, no one knew who they were, they wanted to be Fugazi and they were pretty awful. Aside from being bad, they also played a double set. Which left Hardskin a whole 15 minutes to play.
Yeah. Hardskin plays 29 and some dumb fucks play a double set... are you kidding me? Assholes.
Onwards with Fuck Yeah moments.
Tuesday I went on an adventure and did Bikram Yoga. It kicked my butt! 110 degree heat, I just about had a heart attack! It was the hardest thing I've EVER done... yes, mountain climbing, marathon running, included. Holy crap, fuck yeah! ...and I'm going back tomorrow!
Tuesday is my only set day off, so I planned dinner-- a tweaked with my dough recipe and made a Roasted Eggplant and Vegetable Pizza. With goat cheese. and pesto. Alex took one bite and said, "this is amazing!" and kept saying it while eating it. We're passed the relationship stage where he has to pretend like he likes my cooking. When he says something's amazing, fuck yeah, it's gotta be pretty good. He wrote me an email today saying that he packed some for lunch and even though it was Free Hot Dog Day at work, he didn't even cast a sidelong glance at them, he wanted nothing but my leftover pizza. Hah! Fuck yeah!
... and I won the poker tourney last night and won $35, fuck yeah...
After doing a pile of dishes this morning, I tweaked with a biscotti recipe... I toasted some hazelnuts and came up with a kick-ass Whole Wheat Dark Chocolate Chunk Roasted Hazelnut Biscotti and I had one when I got home from work and seriously had to congratulate myself on baking such an amazing little treat. Fuck yeah.
Work wasn't awful, it wasn't great either. I made $70 and didn't work too hard for it. That's not really a fuck yeah, but, you know. An older woman with her two girlfriends said to me at my table, out of nowhere, "You know what? You're beautiful. Really, you have a beautiful face." What?! I look around, was she talking to her friends? No, she was, in fact, talking to me... I blushed and said thank you and didn't quite know what to say. I came back to the table to clear some plates and she was asking me a bunch of questions and we were talking about food... she said, "what do you know about eating food? You're thin, you wouldn't know a rich, delicious food if it smacked you in the face." Alright, a little insulted, but man, a stranger telling me that I am beautiful... and thin (hah! boy I tricked her). Someone thinking that I am beautiful and thin... and at work, nonetheless? Fuck yeah!
I came home, took a long, hot shower... one of those showers that drains all of the hot water from the tank, my muscles are sore from the yoga yesterday and it felt wonderful. Alex is in Rochester tonight, so I tackled a mountain of laundry, folded and put away... and now I'm sitting here in my pajamas and an old hoodie of Alex's, it's raining outside and I'm listening to Jutta Hip with a glass holding the remainder of a bottle of '04 Cabernet Sauvingon by my side... with nothing pressing to do but skim through apartment listings and to finish a book that's been calling my name since yesterday. Fuck yeah.