my 101in1001 list

Jan 04, 2009 17:30

Yeba! I finally finished my 101in1001 list! I'll be posting this both in the comm and in my LJ so that I'll just link to my LJ when I do my progress reports.

//note: bold means goal in progress and strikethrough means I've accomplished the goal.

001. Go to Siergao, Surigao
002. Go to the Banaue Rice Terraces
003. Climb Mount Apo
004. Travel out of the country
005. Visit Europe/Australia/New York/Canada (putting this all in one item since I know I can't possibly go to all these places in 3 years)
006. Go to Disneyland (any Disneyland! :D)

007. Watch a(nother) musical on stage
008. See a musical on Broadway
009. Watch the Doctor Who 2008 Christmas special and the rest of the specials with the 10th Doctor [2/5]
010. Finish watching the whole of Blackpool (David Tennant is <3) [1/6]
011. Watch 101 films [4/101]

012. See a whale in the wild
013. Bake lemon squares
014. Get my second piercing on my right lobe
015. Donate blood
016. Find out my blood type
017. Wear shoes to school at least once a week for the whole of January (I normally just wear slippers :P) [4/4]
018. Organize all my electronic files
019. Actually use my planner for the whole of 2009
020. Clean up my room (because my room is always in organized chaos, organized in a way only I understand)
021. Organize the books in my room 
022. Register to vote and actually voting
023. Get a job (even just a part-time job)
024. Do 100 Pushups
025. Get down to 150lbs
026. Do a personal ‘A Day in My Life’ in pictures
027. Make an electronic address book for contacts

028. Learn sign language
029. Learn to speak French fluently (I can speak 'un petit peu')

030. Go downhill skiing (I've tried cross-country skiing when I visited my aunt in Canada)
031. Go rollerblading
032. Learn to ride a horse
033. Go scuba diving again
034. Go camping
035. Go wall climbing again
036. Fly a kite again
037. Play a bunch of kids games again [ ]patintero, [ ]agawan base, [ ]touch ball
038. Play miniature golf (because I played golf a lot in high school but I’ve never gone miniature golfing before. Haha)
039. Go biking again
040. Go ice skating again

041. Hang out with the kada before school starts again
042. Tell Rex about that thing he did that hurt me a lot
043. Have a super long conversation on the phone with Dani again
044. Go ice skating again with at least 5 other UTIO members
045. Do something special for all five guys in UTIO for their 21st birthdays [1/5]
046. Attend UTIO get-togethers every break until end of 1001
047. Talk to Mich about I believe? thing
048. Fix old friendships
049. Go on a road trip with the kada (kada is a slang for a group of friends in my language)
050. Go drinking with Bri again
051. Have an overnight with Yana, Bri, and Chris
052. Go to the UP Fair but stay outside the fairgrounds and hang out with blockmates till the sun rises
053. Go watch Joey Ayala at Conspi with the blockmates
054. Visit Maggie in Australia or hang out with her if she gets to visit here
055. Write a letter to Maggie
056. Hug 10 friends [3/10]
057. Make a new friend and become close
058. Make an online friend or friends
059. Get a pen pal

060. Do 10 watercolor paintings [0/10]
061. Paint that shirt I've been planning to make
062. Doodle all over a pair of sneakers
063. Make a secret hollow book
064. Finish Bri's bracelet
065. Finish all unfinished paintings or drawings in my sketch pad (this might take a while, hopefully I'll finish this by summer 2009)
066. Learn to use my Mom's old Nikon camera
067. Get said camera cleaned
068. Take 20 decent pictures with said camera [0/20]
069. Make myself a new journal

070. Finish studying that 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen’ piece for piano
071. Finish studying that Sonata for piano
072. Learn to play 20 new pieces on the flute [0/20]
073. Find piece for Moonlight Sonata and study it

074. Write 10 poems (I miss poetry)[1/10]
075. Write a letter to my future self for the next birthdays till end of 1001 days. [0/3]
076. Write in my real life journal once a week for the whole 1001 days (even if its just chatty nonsense) [1/143]
077. Learn to write in alibata
078. Get any written work published
079. Complete reading Shakespeare's sonnets
080. Add 20 new entries in my dream journal [0/20]
081. Read 101 books [4/101]
082. Write 101 livejournal entries [0/101]

083. Have 50,000Php in my bank account by the end of 1001 (that's around $1000, I think)
084. Buy a 320gb external hard drive (because our computer's running out of space and it'll be my belated Christmas present)
085. Get my own laptop
086. Get a sturdier notebook to take everywhere with me
087. Buy a chalk pastel set (because I really want to try it :P)
088. Get a better flute (even if it will be more expensive)
089. Buy those black tights I've been looking at
090. Buy new glasses

091. Get a 1.0 grade in any class (a 1.0 a.k.a. uno is the highest mark in our university)
092. Pass all the subjects I need this sem for senior standing next sem
093. Get my college degree
094. Get a scholarship for graduate studies (preferably in another country)

095. Play golf with my father (I haven't played golf in a long time)
096. Go on a ‘date’ with my younger brother to spend our joint gift card. :P

097. Be kissed
098. Slow dance with someone
099. Go on a date
100. Fall in love
101. Say 'I love you' to someone


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