Drag-queens attack! Who caught that on the news? It was a truly desperate MSNBC moment, for sure. I watched in utter delight as the barely 16 year old fast-food employee rehashed the event, pointing out the many bandaids slapped upon random places on his still shocked face for emphasis. ANYWAY...
H A L L O W E E N 2 0 0 7
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The second one? Ex-best-friend who got me into dancing, which by the way I have never been more grateful to not dance. I ran into a girl I worked with two years back and she was two years younger than me then and looked five years older than I am now. It was so weird. But yeah, the Xfriend... crazy, and utterly vain. Not to mention she ruined my sister's second marriage. Long long LONG story.
And I know all of this sounds childish.... but fuck it. It is what it is.
I love ya hun. Halifax sounds ssssooo fun. And I miss yew too.
ARGH! You have total right to be pissed off. And yeah, there are going to be lots of bull shit popping up here and there from the sep. er.. blah.. It all blows, <3 you both... hopefully they'll die in house fires...
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