Jul 11, 2005 13:24
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight
Who is your best friend?: John Mitchell
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
What is your longest relationship?: I don't remember, it was so long ago (I know, I'm terrible)
What was your shortest relationship? Three weeks
Last Relationship? The three weeks with Liz
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Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: Kohls (you can't beat them)
Any tattoos or piercing: Piercings: No, but I've been thinking about getting a Metallica and/or Lamb of God tattoo
What is your sexiest outfit: You're asking a guy this? lol I dunno, I guess whenever I dress up, I get a lot of great compliments on how good I look (no I'm not bragging)
What is your most comfortable outfit?: Shirt and Jeans
What do you usually wear?: Shirt and Jeans (that's why they're so comfortable)
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Do you do drugs?: Caffeine :p But if we're being serious, no
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Head and Shoulders, Pert Plus
What scares you the most?: Two things; what if all that I'm doing now to be the best I can be totally backfires in my face and I'll be left with nothing? Second, dying alone, I want my wife by my bedside so I can tell her my last goodbyes :')
What are you listening to right now: Mudvayne
Who is the last person that called you?: Some number that I don't even know, they called me in Calculus today >:(
Where do you want to get married?: In a church
How many buddies are online right now?: Since you're making me get online for this one, MSN: 2 AIM: 7
What would you change about yourself?: A lot of people say I'm perfect the way I am, but since it's my opinion this time, there are times that I wish I spent more time on my studies and not slacking off. If it was my personality we're taking about, then I wish I had more confidence to ask girls out, sure I can talk to them MUCH better than I used to be able to, but there are times where I want to take that extra step but am afraid to do so. Fear of rejection, I hate it so much...
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Colors: Red, Black, Blue
Food: Salads, BarBQue sandwitches my mom makes... mmmmmmm....
Girls names: Dunno, but when I decide to have kids, then we'll talk
Boys names: Ditto
Subjects in school: Math and Physics, one of the few people I know that does
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Given anyone a bath?: No
Smoked?: No
Bungee jumped?: No, but it's on my Things To Do list
Made yourself throw up?: No
Skinny-dipped?: No
Ever been in love?: Hard to say, right now I question whether I was or not, but if I'm questioning it then it's probably a "no"
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No, but I have made myself cry to release pain that I have felt
Pictured your crush naked?: I really don't have a crush at the moment though there are people that I would like to get to "know" better to see if something can develope out of it, but as for the question, yes, but that doesn't make me a perv (weirdos :p )
Cried when someone died?: No, I have had the news of some of my lawn custumers and friend's family members pass on but they we're not really close to me. I have yet to experience the death of one of my own family members and/or friends, and I thank God for that and wish that it never does happen, but we all know it's not possible :(
Lied: Yes (this is such a funny quesiton if you think about it, the fact that you can lie on this one lol)
Fallen for your best friend?: Best girlfriend, yes, but that was long ago and before I opened my eyes to find that she lied to me about the person she was.
Been rejected?: Not really, it's hard to explain that one
Rejected someone?: Yes
Used someone? No, never have, never will
Done something you regret?: Yes
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Clothes: Pants and a Nirvana shirt
Music: Mudvayne
Annoyance: Arrogance, picking on me for fun (it gets me pissed off after a while), my mom (when she starts to become stubborn), my brother, stubborness (little is ok, but when you don't want to even hear or think about what the other person desires....), people who constantly put themselves down when they know there's a world to live out there that loves you (maybe I'm just too optimistic)
Smell: My mom's fresh baked chocolate chip and butterscotch chip, oatmeal cookies *takes one*
CD in player: None at the moment, but I did have Mudvayne's "End of All Things To Come" before I put it in my DVD player and Blasted it with my surround sound system.
DVD in player: see above
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You touched: My brother, actually, "hit" would be a better word
Hugged: Colleen, but the person that actually gave me a hug back was Karen
You IMed: Laura
You yelled at: Don't remember, more than likely it was my mom (long ago)
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Understanding: Yes, very
Open-minded: Yes, very
Arrogant: No, at times it may seem like it but I'm just joking around
Secure: Most of the time
Random: I can be
Hungry: Yes, these cookies aren't enough
Smart: Yes, but sometimes it's hard for even me to tell
Moody: Not really
Hard working: Always, if there's something you want done, I will do my best to do it
Organized: Look in my room and you tell me lol
Healthy: According to the doctor I am, but I know there's room for improvement
Shy: Yes, only around people I don't know
Difficult: No, if you understand where I'm comming from
Attractive: I think so, but I have been called handsome, cute, hot, a pimp, and sexy (yes, all were serious) so I can't be that bad
Obsessed: No, closest thing to being obsessed with is music
Angry: No, if I get my sleep and dont get pecked at it's something no one has to worry about
Sad: No, there's so much adventure in my life and I'm very happy and blessed that I have what I have :)
Happy: Overall yes, and probably always will be, but right now I'm just tired
Hyper: No, and nothing can get me hyper, not even caffeine even though I have butt loads of it everyday (I'm immune to it I guess)
Trusting: Yes, very
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Kill?: No one, not my thing
Slap: Instead of Slap, I'm gonna say punch (guy thing) and right now it would be Austin Ray
Get really wasted with?: No one, I would never get wasted
Get high with?: see above
Talk to offline: John, or possibly a girl I admire *wink wink* lol
Talk to online: The only person I talk to online anymore (or seems like) is Laura, and even that is uncommon *EDIT* And I talk to Emily every weekend online, I'm so sorry I forgot to mention you, I just drew a blank, SORRY :(
Sex it up with: lol I really don't know, if it's anyone then I'll let my imagination do the talking and say Kirsten Dunst because she's a cuttie :D But in all seriousness, probably someone I admire (female of course); instead of "sex it up with," I'm going with the "get to know better" just because this was a weird question to ask.
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In the morning I: Get ready to go to class, as much as I don't want to, it's something I have to do
All you need is: Someone to love, hold, kiss, say "I love you" to, and for that person to do the same for me :)
Love is: an emotion that is meant to be taken seriously. Some people through the word out there and they are hurt in the future because of it. It's a feeling that should be handled with care and I believe pure love is an unbreakable bond.
I dream about: My future goals and future wife
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: The eyes and smile, they warm my heart everytime :)
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Coke or Pepsi: Regular Cokes and the Diet Pepsis (weird I know)
Flowers or candy: I love to give flowers, but since I'm a guy I prefer to "take" candy
Tall or short: If we're taking about the opposite sex, short
love or money: Love, one thing money can't buy
paper or plastic: Paper
looks or personality: Personality by far
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Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: No, because I'm rarely online anymore (away messeges don't count), plus I prefer to call that special someone just to hear her voice :)
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No
Wish you were younger: I think about it, great memories, but I love where I am now