New Arrival

Mar 05, 2008 15:53

Detective Andrea  "Andy" Viviano slammed the fake rat caught in a trap down on her Captain’s desk and dropped into a chair. He looked surprised for a second then looked down at the rat. His face stayed impassive, but she could see his eyes flash for a second. “Have you called IAB?” he asked, sitting back in his chair.

“Yes, and they’re going to call you about this.” She said, glaring hard at the rat. Anger was easier to go with than fear. She knew what the rat was, a threat. Her squad, her first real family, didn’t want her anymore because of what she’d done. Everyone thought she was still working for IAB, even her Captain looked at her sideways sometimes and no one talked freely around her any more. She had been branded a rat and she had been, but she wasn’t any more. Oh, IAB had tried to keep her, they offered her a lot of incentives but she had told them no. Turning on her friends had given her enough guilt and sleepless nights to last a life time. She didn’t need more.

“What do they think I can do?” Her Captain now narrowed his eyes at her. He was angry she was bringing more trouble to his doorstep. He had avoided prosecution only because he really was innocent. Andy had worked hard to convince her IAB handler that only the five members they had ended up indicting where dirty in her squad. Everyone else had been clean. Two years of undercover work had shown that. Two years of living a lie.

“How should I know? They just told me they were going to call you.” Andy shot back, instantly on the defensive. She was so sick and tired of everyone looking at her like she was the Devil, Benedict Arnold and Brutus all wrapped in one. Those five had been dirty and she had done something about it. She got rid of some bad cops, that was it. It didn’t make her evil and it didn’t make her a different kind of bad cop.

“They’re probably going to transfer you, Viviano, and…”

“And I’ll get a whole new squad for them to weed out dirty cops in. Yeah, I figured it out.” She sighed, letting the anger go for a second. She was tired of being the outsider. She wanted things back to the way they were, when she was one of the guys and people trusted her. Not that she was going to get that after what she had done.  For just a second, she let the lonely kid just looking for a little belonging show through and then quickly snapped the anger back into place. “I’ll make sure Johnson is up to date on my cases.” She said as she got to her feet and then walked out of the office.

Two days later the transfer came through and Andy couldn't leave quick enough for the 27th precinct homicide division.
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