MCS: Alley Murders: Arrest & Interrogation of Arthur Branch

Aug 20, 2007 23:14

--After the audio tape of District Attorney Arthur Branch and deceased Det. Sgt. MJ Bluth is discovered by detectives, the tape is sent to TARU for a voice-recognition analysis.

--TARU returns the results to MCS-the match is 85-95% accurate, in that it is Arthur Branch. Branch is arrested on two counts of murder in the first degree, with the thought that the charges may be lessened later, if they find his involvement to have been to a lesser degree.

--Eames and Ross go to arrest the District Attorney at his home. He briefly interferes, but ultimately goes with them after Eames cuffs him and reads him his rights.

--Eames interrogates Branch-who only asks for his lawyer after denying any involvement. He claims he merely tried to talk to MJ Bluth about what she saw at the Glebovich brothel.

**DOINK-DOINK** *Uptown Apartment of District Attorney Arthur Branch*

Det. Alex Eames: *stops the car and looks at Ross, a small sigh before she steps out the car*
Captain Danny Ross: *nods, steps out as well, checking his gun once, quickly*
Det. Alex Eames: *walks towards the apartment door*
Det. Alex Eames: *turns to Ross, letting him decide to take the lead if he wants*
Captain Danny Ross: *raises his brows at her, as if to say 'your choice'*
Det. Alex Eames : *shrugs and knocks on the door--waits for a response*

D.A. Arthur Branch: *awhile later,Arthur Branch answers* Captain Ross...Detective Eames....can I help you?
Det. Alex Eames: *blank expression* Yes, we need you to come with us.
D.A. Arthur Branch: What's this about?

Captain Danny Ross: *clears his throat* Arthur Branch, you're under arrest for the murders of Eileen Tarleton and Mary Jane Bluth. *looks at Eames to read him his rights*
Det. Alex Eames: *reads him his rights with a tight voice*

D.A. Arthur Branch:: Excuse me?? *glaring* Do you have any idea what you're doing?
Det. Alex Eames: *pulls out her handcuffs and moves to put them on him*
Captain Danny Ross: *flat* We do.
D.A. Arthur Branch: *moves away from Eames* This is ludicrous! *indignant*
Det. Alex Eames : I think you know better than anyone that you should co-operate.
Captain Danny Ross: We would hate to add resisting arrest to your charges.
D.A. Arthur Branch: Son of a bitch.
Captain Danny Ross: put your hands behind your back, Mr. Branch.
Det. Alex Eames: *steps forward again to put the handcuffs on*
D.A. Arthur Branch:: *reluctantly complies*
Det. Alex Eames : *puts the handcuffs on and holds him by the arm to lead him back out to the car*

Captain Danny Ross: *goes out to the car with her, gets in the driver's seat this time*
Det. Alex Eames: *rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything*
Captain Danny Ross: *waits for her to get Branch in the car*
Det. Alex Eames: *does that and gets in as well*
Det. Alex Eames: *waits for Ross to actually drive*
Captain Danny Ross: *drives*

Det. Alex Eames: *keeps an eye on Branch the entire time*
D.A. Arthur Branch:* looks back at her*
Det. Alex Eames: *gives Branch and expressionless look back*
Captain Danny Ross: *drives*
Det. Alex Eames: *is thinking how bad of a driver Ross is, and how much she wants to quiz Branch about it*

*they finally arrive at HQ*
Det. Alex Eames : *steps out the car and pulls Branch out as well*

*There is a flurry of reporters waiting for them*

Captain Danny Ross: *was NOT expecting that* Shit.
Det. Alex Eames: *annoyed look* My thoughts exactly... *keeps hold of Branch as she waits for Ross to walk with her*

Captain Danny Ross: *Ross goes with her, ushering Branch up the stairs*

Reporters: Captain Ross! Mr. Branch! Detective! *shouting from all sides*

Det. Alex Eames: *ignores them-walks with a straight look on her face*

Reporter 1: What are the charges being brought against Mr Branch?
Reporter 2: Is it true this is in connection with the alley murders?

Captain Danny Ross: No comment, no comment...*as they continue going up the stairs*
Det. Alex Eames : *doesn't even look the reporters in the face* No comment...

*they finally get inside*
Det. Alex Eames : *leads Branch up to major case*
D.A. Arthur Branch: I want to speak with Ron Nagler....he'll sort this out, dammit!
Captain Danny Ross: *scoffs*
Det. Alex Eames: *snorts* You won't be speaking to him.

Captain Danny Ross: Eames--Interrogation Room 4?
Det. Alex Eames: *nods and starts for that direction*

Det. Alex Eames: *takes Branch there and sits him down at the table, opposite the two-way mirror*
Det. Alex Eames : *sits down opposite him with her arms folded*
D.A. Arthur Branch: *looks back at her*
Det. Alex Eames : *looks at him* How well do you know Nagler?
D.A. Arthur Branch: *shrugs*

Det. Alex Eames: Did you know he had a coke problem?
D.A. Arthur Branch: What he does in his spare time is his business.
Det. Alex Eames: No, see, it's our business. Did you know that Detective Bluth was working undercover when she spotted his little side habit?

D. A. Arthur Branch: I don't know what you're talking about. *he looks at her with almost a smirk*
Det. Alex Eames: *pretends to look confused* Really? So you would have no idea why Bluth would have a recording of you talking to her, whilst she was undercover?
D.A. Arthur Branch: *he looks slightly, just sliiiightly alarmed for a second*

Det. Alex Eames: Because she does have one. It's you. It was taken using her cell phone, which was sent to Eileen Tarleton. Do you have any idea how you got to be on it?

D. A. Arthur Branch: *clears his throat* This is a misunderstanding, Detective Eames.
Det. Alex Eames: Feel free to explain this misunderstanding.
Det. Alex Eames: *slight sarcasm, gives him a serious look*

D.A. Arthur Branch: I don't know what you think I've done--but I assure you, I didn't do anything. *Southern accent, laying it on thick*
Det. Alex Eames: *takes note of the thick accent* Start by telling me what you did do.
Det. Alex Eames: Because you are on there. Why did you go after her?

D. A. Arthur Branch: How do I know you're not makin' this up?
Det. Alex Eames: Why would I make it up? I have no reason to make it up. And don't play dumb, you know we're not making it up. *angry*

D.A. Arthur Branch: *shrugs*
Det. Alex Eames: *gets out small tape player and places it on the table, presses play and lets him listen to his part on the tape*

D.A. Arthur Branch: *he tenses at hearing his voice*
Det. Alex Eames: *watches him careful*
D. A. Arthur Branch: You know you can't prove that's my voice-not in a court of a law, you can;'t
Det. Alex Eames: *doesn't even flinch* We ran it through voice recognition software... would you like to know the result?
D. A. Arthur Branch: *clenches his teeth*
Det. Alex Eames : No? Yes? I'll tell you. 95% positive match. But you knew that already because you know it's you on the tape.

D. A. Arthur Branch: I didn't do a damn thing. You have absolutely nothing to prove I was involved in anything illegal.
Det. Alex Eames: *ignores that* So, what were you doing going after her?
Det. Alex Eames: It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that she'd just spotted your buddy Nagler doing coke, would it?
D. A. Arthur Branch: I was having a friendly conversation.
Det. Alex Eames : You were blowing her cover! How is that a friendly conversation?

D. A. Arthur Branch: She should have watched where she was going.
Det. Alex Eames: What's that supposed to mean?
D. A. Arthur Branch: *shrugs*
Det. Alex Eames: It obviously means something. I'm giving you an opportunity to explain here.

D.A. Arthur Branch: I just asked her to help us out.
Det. Alex Eames : With what?
D. A. Arthur Branch: With keeping our personal lives out of her case.
Det. Alex Eames: And what did she say about that?
D.A. Arthur Branch: She said she had to do her job.
Det. Alex Eames: What? And you just let it drop?
D. A. Arthur Branch: I certainly didn't kill her.

Det. Alex Eames: But you were content to let her go about her job with that secret of yours? *doesn't believe that it's possible for anyone to let it go*
D. A. Arthur Branch: I don't think I want to discuss this any more without my lawyer, Detective Eames.

Det. Alex Eames: *nods, annoyed* Fine. We'll make sure your lawyer gets here as soon as possible. *grabs the tape recorder and leaves the room*

alley murders, mcs

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