MCS: Alley Murders: Arraignment of Brian O'Brien

Aug 06, 2007 15:06


--O'Brien is arraigned on one charge of drug possession.
--He pleads not guilty and is let go on $500 bail, awaiting trial.

*DOINK-DOINK* Arraignment Court, part 2, courtroom of Judge Jamie Ross*

Judge Jamie Ross: *the judge is already seated, has just banged her gavel, closing the last arraingment before this one*

Riley Toth, Esq.: *Riley is sitting next to O'Brien for the defense.*
ADA Brian Peluso: *Brian Peluso is sitting at the prosecution table*

Bailiff: The state of New York versus Brian Thomas O'Brien, on one count of possession of an illegal substance.

Judge Jamie Ross: *looks at Riley* Mr. Toth, how does your client plead?
Riley Toth, Esq.: Not guilty, your honor.
Judge Jamie Ross: *to Brian* The people on bail?
ADA Brian Peluso: People request 15 hundred
Judge Jamie Ross: For a mickey mouse drug charge, Mr. Peluso?
ADA Brian Peluso : Yes, your honor. Drugs are a big problem in this country.

Judge Jamie Ross: *stifles a laugh* Mr. Toth?
Riley Toth, Esq: Your honor, my client has marijuana for medicinal purposes---it was prescribed for his glaucoma.
ADA Brian Peluso: The prosecution has no evidence of this medical problem, your honor.
Judge Jamie Ross: I don't see a prescription here, Mr. Toth......however, it was a small amount found. Unless the people can give me reason not to, bail will be set at 500 dollars.

Riley Toth, Esq.: *nods*
Judge Jamie Ross: *looks at Brian*
ADA Brian Peluso: Mr. O'Brien is also the primary suspect in a murder investigation.
Judge Jamie Ross: And yet you didn't request remand, Mr. Peluso. I don't think 500 is going to be any more difficult to procure than 1500. Besides, he's not here on a murder charge. He's here on drug possession.

Judge Jamie Ross: Bail is set at 500 dollars. *gavelbang*

alley murders, mcs

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