DOINK DOINK: Interview Room
Alex Lumberg(8:42:43 PM): Alex: *sitting at the table, fidgeting looking nervous*
Det. John Munch (8:44:10 PM): *comes in* You want something to drink, Alex?
Det. Frankie Silvera (8:44:22 PM): *walks in behind Munch*
Det. John Munch (8:44:33 PM): we might be here awhile.
Alex Lumberg (8:45:20 PM): *shakes his head* No. Won't be here long. Wasn't my fault.
Det. John Munch (8:45:42 PM): Yeah, well, these things take time.
Det. John Munch (8:45:46 PM): You sure you don't want a soda?
Alex Lumberg (8:46:35 PM): *glares at him* I'm sure.
Det. John Munch (8:47:19 PM): *smirks* So tell us why it's not your fault, Alex.
Det. Frankie Silvera (8:47:36 PM): *leans against the back wall*
Alex Lumberg (8:47:53 PM): Mom said to wait for my lawyer.... Munchie. That's your name, right?
Det. Frankie Silvera (8:48:21 PM): *thinks: Bad idea*
Det. John Munch (8:49:06 PM): You can call me Detective Munch, Alexanderrr.
Alex Lumberg (8:49:36 PM): Whatever. Detective Munchie
Det. John Munch (8:51:43 PM): *walks around the table, approaches the kid from behind, grabs his collar, bends down, right in his ear* Listen you little piss-ant, we've got enough to convict you already. Being a little dick is only going to make your sentencing worse.
Det. Frankie Silvera (8:52:41 PM): *just watching*
Alex Lumberg (8:53:11 PM): If you had enough to convict me, why am I still sitting here, gramps?
Det. John Munch (8:53:36 PM): It's called procedure. We arrested you and we're getting your statement.
Det. John Munch (8:54:11 PM): And once again *still holding onto the collar, shoves his face against the table* The name is Detective Munch.
Alex Lumberg (8:54:44 PM): *rolls his eyes* If you say so.
Det. John Munch (8:56:24 PM): So if you've got nothing to hide...why can't you just tell us what you know? *looks at Frankie* Guys who wait for their lawyers....those're the guys who did something.
Det. John Munch (8:56:32 PM): *still to Frankie* I don't need to tell you that.
Det. Frankie Silvera (8:56:58 PM): I don't know. It always makes me wonder
Alex Lumberg (8:57:23 PM): I told you. None of this is my fault. It's all them. Now get me my fuckin' lawyer.
Det. John Munch (8:57:40 PM): *smirk* Don't you think he'll fit in well at Rikers? Being tried as an's a lovely thing.
Alex Lumberg (8:58:28 PM): *just glares*
Det. Frankie Silvera (8:58:43 PM): Ohh I'm sure everyone else would *love* him.
Det. John Munch (8:59:16 PM): Who's them Alex? Your little racist buddies?
Alex Lumberg (8:59:38 PM): You're calling me racist?
Det. John Munch (8:59:52 PM): Yeah, you hate white kids.
Det. John Munch (8:59:56 PM): That's what I call racism.
Alex Lumberg (9:00:34 PM): I don't hate all of them. I just hate the krauts because they hate us
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:05:49 PM): And all of them hate you?
Det. John Munch (9:06:09 PM): *sighs, annoyed*
Alex Lumberg (9:06:51 PM): Weber? Yeah. Did they tell you some of the shit he's done?
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:07:01 PM): No.
Det. John Munch (9:07:50 PM): Weber who?
Alex Lumberg (9:08:14 PM): How'd you feel if you were minding your own business, going to school, and those assholes painted a swastika on your locker in pig blood?
Alex Lumberg (9:08:19 PM): Randolf Weber.
Det. John Munch (9:08:46 PM): *winces* Ah, right.
Det. John Munch (9:08:58 PM): Well Weber didn't shoot anyone, Alex. You did.
Alex Lumberg (9:09:50 PM): They picked the fight. THey couldn't leave us alone. So you're damn right I stole my Uncle's gun. To protect myself from them. What would you have done?
Det. John Munch (9:11:23 PM): And how did this gun, in your possession, kill peter schumann?
Alex Lumberg (9:11:36 PM): *looks away* I don't know.
Det. John Munch (9:11:51 PM): *bends down toward him again* I think you do.
Alex Lumberg (9:12:15 PM): *looks back at him but doesn't say anything*
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:12:57 PM): *sits at the table across from Alex*
Det. John Munch (9:13:37 PM): *gets uncomfortably closer* I know you do.
Alex Lumberg (9:13:59 PM): Law-yer.
Det. John Munch (9:27:31 PM): Lawyer?
Det. John Munch (9:27:37 PM): *looks at Frankie* That isn’t my job.
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:27:46 PM): Me neither.
Alex Lumberg (9:29:18 PM): *drums his fingers on the table* You should stop bothering me and go annoy Weber.
Det. John Munch (9:29:30 PM): You're the one with the murder weapon.
Alex Lumberg (9:29:44 PM): No one was supposed to get killed
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:30:10 PM): Someone did...How?
Alex Lumberg (9:30:50 PM): What idiot brings along their kid brother when they know shit's gonna go down?
Det. John Munch (9:31:23 PM): shit? What kind of shit?
Alex Lumberg (9:31:33 PM): Bad. Shit.
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:31:52 PM): Can we have some nouns with that too?
Det. John Munch (9:32:04 PM): *murmurs* But he's so good with the adjectives.
Alex Lumberg (9:33:22 PM): They knew we weren't taking their shit after what went down in history.... the whole school knew that we were gonna show them what for after school that day... that kraut idiot brought along her little brother... wasn't our fault.
Det. John Munch (9:35:02 PM): Who shot him?
Alex Lumberg (9:36:02 PM): It wasn't supposed to happen like that.
Det. John Munch (9:36:15 PM): Who. Shot. Him?
Alex Lumberg (9:36:38 PM): No one was supposed to get shot!
Det. John Munch (9:37:31 PM): Hey, Silvera, maybe we should call the D.A. *smirks* He loves him some obstruction of justice charges.
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:37:32 PM): Yes he does.
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:37:51 PM): Who shot him?
Alex Lumberg (9:40:01 PM): It was an accident. Whoever shot him didn't mean to.
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:40:29 PM): Then if it wasn't do you know it wasn't on purpose?
Alex Lumberg (9:40:49 PM): Because who would shoot that little kid on purpose?
Alex Lumberg (9:40:59 PM): He shouldn't have even been there.
Det. John Munch (9:42:13 PM): How'd your gun get away from you, Alex?
Alex Lumberg (9:42:38 PM): *looks at him* What?
Det. John Munch (9:43:28 PM): You stole the gun from your uncle.
Det. John Munch (9:43:35 PM): You said you didn't shoot him. Who did?
Det. John Munch (9:43:43 PM): How'd they get your gun?
Det. John Munch (9:43:56 PM): I'm getting a lotta questions, I'm not hearing answers, Alex.
Alex Lumberg (9:44:21 PM): So what're you gonna do about that, gramps?
Det. John Munch (9:44:52 PM): I'm going to call the D.A. And get an indictment, obstruction of justice, kid. You'll do at least a year, just for that.
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:45:41 PM): And like I said...the other inmates would *love* You, In every sense of the word.
Alex Lumberg (9:46:20 PM): So what's the difference? That's not much incentive for me to tell you squat.
Det. John Munch (9:46:56 PM): *sighs* Is this kid really that stupid?
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:47:05 PM): Apparently.
Alex Lumberg (9:47:40 PM): Yeah. I am. Limited mental capacity. Guess you'll have to send me to kiddie court.
Det. John Munch (9:48:12 PM): Hah.
Det. John Munch (9:48:19 PM): HAH. Funniest damn thing I heard all day.
Alex Lumberg (9:49:30 PM): *rolls his eyes* Why should I tell you anything, Gramps?
Det. John Munch (9:49:50 PM): Because if you don't, you'll do a year in Rikers, at the very least.
Det. John Munch (9:50:07 PM): Worst, hell, I think we can get him a trip to Attica....*grin* Or Bellvue, with all the crazies.
Alex Lumberg (9:50:07 PM): And if I do tell?
Det. John Munch (9:50:13 PM): If you tell, we can help you.
Alex Lumberg (9:50:17 PM): How?
Det. John Munch (9:51:15 PM): If you're honest with us...we can talk to the D.A...he'll be lenient...
Alex Lumberg (9:51:34 PM): Define lenient.
Det. John Munch (9:51:56 PM): That's up to the D.A.
Det. John Munch (9:52:01 PM): And it does depend on your involvement.
Det. John Munch (9:52:14 PM): Or you can lie and withold information. And he'll have no mercy.
Alex Lumberg (9:52:31 PM): *fidgets in his seat* It was an accident. I told you that already.
Det. John Munch (9:52:47 PM): You didn't tell us how.
Alex Lumberg (9:53:47 PM): I said it was an accident. The kid wasn't supposed to get shot. The gun was just to keep them from messing with us.
Det. John Munch (9:54:20 PM): *looks incredulous and angry, patience wearing thin* HOW did the gun go off? HOW did the accident occur?
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:54:41 PM): Am I going to have to get a dictionary? HOW?!
Alex Lumberg (9:55:04 PM): I don't know, ok? I don't know how the hell it went off! I didn't mean for it to happen!
Det. John Munch (9:55:40 PM): was it in your possession when it went off?
Alex Lumberg (9:55:50 PM): *looks away*
Det. John Munch (9:56:05 PM): Answer the question, Alex.
Alex Lumberg (9:56:23 PM): Yes. Ok. It was. But I don't know how the kid got shot.
Det. John Munch (9:56:54 PM): *shakes his head* You believe this kid, Silvera?
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:57:00 PM): No.
Alex Lumberg (9:58:19 PM): Well that's your problem then, because it's the truth.
Det. John Munch (9:58:55 PM): Were you holding the gun?
Det. John Munch (9:58:58 PM): Or was it concealed?
Alex Lumberg (9:59:07 PM): I was holding the gun
Det. John Munch (9:59:21 PM): Oh, you've got to be shitting me.
Det. John Munch (9:59:25 PM): *shakes his head* We're through.
Det. Frankie Silvera (9:59:45 PM): *nods*
Det. John Munch (9:59:50 PM): I think we just got ourselves a confession, Frankie.
Alex Lumberg (9:59:51 PM): Well what do you think happened Gramps?
Det. John Munch (10:00:18 PM): I think you were holding the gun and it went off, which means you shot him, you little bastard.
Alex Lumberg (10:00:37 PM): I didn't mean to shoot him though
Det. John Munch (10:01:36 PM): You still shot him. With a gun that you stole. And were illegally carrying.
Alex Lumberg (10:01:54 PM): It was an accident.
Det. John Munch (10:01:56 PM): That's one count of theft, one of illegal possesion of a firearm...and one of negligent homicide.
Det. John Munch (10:02:03 PM): *If* the jury believes it was an accident.
Det. John Munch (10:02:13 PM): If not, you're talking first degree murder.
Det. John Munch (10:02:21 PM): Maybe man-1 if McCoy forgets to eat his Wheaties.
Det. Frankie Silvera (10:03:11 PM): *chuckles a little*
Alex Lumberg (10:04:20 PM): So I was supposed to sit back and let those bastards continue to harrass my friends? my family? Let them run the school like they own it? Do you know how many of my friends have dropped out because of them?
Alex Lumberg (10:04:35 PM): I'm not sorry I stood up to those bastards. I didn't mean for the kid to get hurt, but they fuckin' started it.
Det. John Munch (10:05:30 PM): *shakes his head* I call that a confession, and I call this kid done.
Det. Frankie Silvera (10:05:59 PM): Me too.
Alex Lumberg (10:06:33 PM): Fine. See you later then Gramps. You're even worse than them you know.
Det. John Munch (10:07:12 PM): *glares*
Det. Frankie Silvera (10:07:24 PM): *does the same*
Alex Lumberg (10:08:09 PM): *glares back*
Det. John Munch (10:08:40 PM): Oooh. He thinks he has balls. *evil smirk*
Det. Frankie Silvera (10:09:06 PM): Aww...that's cute.
Alex Lumberg (10:09:32 PM): Whatever you say Gramps and barbie
Det. John Munch (10:09:45 PM): C'mon. We're gone....I'll tell the uniform to lock his ass up.
Det. Frankie Silvera (10:10:03 PM): *nods and walks with Munch
Alex Lumberg (10:11:45 PM): *watches them go*