Munch assigns Logan and Barek to reinterview Drea Hammock, aka Hippie woman

Jun 21, 2006 20:06

John Munch: ::Munch is in phil's office::
John Munch: ::smirking::
Mike Logan: Did you see this?
Mike Logan: MUNCH!!!!
John Munch: ::calmly relaxing, feet up::
John Munch: ::yawn::

Mike Logan: ::kicks chair out from under him::
Carolyn Barek: ::impatiently watches both men::
Mike Logan: Do I look like a janitor?????
John Munch: Hey!! ::glare as he scrambles to his feet::
John Munch: Get over yourself, Logan.
John Munch: Goren and Eames are out at the Stella Agency.
Mike Logan: Do I LOOK like a motherfuckin' janitor???

John Munch: ::glare:: No, you look like an asshole who wants to sit at a desk all day. Don't pull a Stabler on me. I'm not in the mood to be disrespected and yelled at right now.
Mike Logan: If I don't look like a goddamn janitor, why am I cleaning up someone else's shit????
John Munch: You know what...
John Munch: Just because you've got over twenty years? That doesn't mean shit. But if you think you're that big of a fucking deal, if you think you're soooooo goddamn above that...::grabs his suit jacket:: I'll do it, you moron.
John Munch: ...never mind the fact that I've got over ten more years than you and that I'm your commanding officer.

Mike Logan: Oh for fucks's sake.
John Munch: ::goes to leave, muttering about Stabler::
Mike Logan: No, no, we'll fuckin' do it.
Carolyn Barek: ::in Russian:: What's going on?
Mike Logan: But it sucks!
Mike Logan: I'm sorry.

Carolyn Barek: ::in a tone that says "shut the hell up":: Logan...
Mike Logan: I watched Pulp Fiction yesterday ::tiny voice;:
Carolyn Barek: ::glare::
John Munch: ;;glare:: Get the hell out of the office. ::to Carolyn, in Russian:: I'm sorry your partner's a dickhead.::
Carolyn Barek: ::narrows her eyes at both of them::
Mike Logan: You don't have to get all Hitler about it.

Carolyn Barek: Logan!
John Munch: ::narrows his eyes:: Thanks. Excuse me, I've got to go call my grandfather who was a holocaust survivor.
John Munch: ::glares and stalks out of the room::
Carolyn Barek: ::says nothing to Mike as she returns to her desk::
Mike Logan: If his grandfather's alive, I'll eat...
Mike Logan: Goren.

Carolyn Barek: ::glares up at him::
John Munch: ::mutters, walking around;: Dear phil, here's your squad back. I took out Logan, I didn't think you'd mind....
Mike Logan: What? His grandfather would have to be over a hundred/
Mike Logan: And frankly, I bet he was around waaaaay before the Holocaust.
Carolyn Barek: His grandfather's age is of no importance.

Mike Logan: He just lied.
Carolyn Barek: Then let him lie.
Mike Logan: Did you see this?
Carolyn Barek: No.
Mike Logan: WE have to go deal with psycho hippie.
Mike Logan: The dumb jewelry-making potsmoking kid-ngelecting unwashed whorebag.
John Munch: ::turns around:: Edvard Munch, not the painter, was born in 1885, died in 1947, three years after
being released by the Nazis.

Mike Logan: Has she had her shots!
Mike Logan: Wait, your *grandfather* was the painter?
Carolyn Barek: ::in Russian:: Munch, this might not be the right time. I can talk to you later if you would like. ::in English:: Logan, stop.
Mike Logan: Oh, hang on, not the painter. That would've rocked.
John Munch: ::glare:: Go eat shit and die. Or interview Drea Hammock. Frankly Id prefer the first, but we need
to solve this case.

Mike Logan: But if he's dead, how are you gonna call him?
Carolyn Barek: ::annoyed:: Logan, stop!
Mike Logan: I'm so lost.
John Munch: ::hand on his service revolver, narrows his eyes, and walks away::
John Munch: ::out of the bullpen::
Carolyn Barek: I don't want to hear anything about Munch from you.
Mike Logan: Ok....but how is he gonna call him?

Carolyn Barek: I just said that topic was off limits.
Mike Logan: And how old is Munch anyway?
Carolyn Barek: ::glares at him::
Mike Logan: ::starts trying to count with fingers::
Carolyn Barek: I have no qualms about walking out of here right now.
Mike Logan: Wow. What's up with you these days?
Carolyn Barek: We are suppose to deal with Drea Hammock and Lissy Salsman, right?

Mike Logan: Yeah, we get the filthy hippie.
Carolyn Barek: I suggest we use calming and not aggravating techniques with her.
Mike Logan: Why don't I let you have first crack...
Mike Logan: I'll fill you in as we drive.
Carolyn Barek: Fine.
Mike Logan: I'll lurk and watch her, you do the talking.
Mike Logan: ::as they walk:: Ok, so Goren did bubblewrap at her and made her insane...

Mike Logan: and Eames was...Eames.
Carolyn Barek: No bubblewrap, no snark.
Mike Logan: She kept babbling about privacy and Mommytime
Mike Logan: Hang on...
Mike Logan: ::sprints back to desk, comes back with teeny enamel pin::
Mike Logan: You want the leaf or the "legalize it"?
Carolyn Barek: Neither.

Mike Logan: Hey, we want her on our side...
Mike Logan: ::pins on "legalize it"::
Carolyn Barek: We want her to cooperate with us. We don't have to make her think the legal system will change for her.
Mike Logan: Anyhow. She thinks she's an artst.
Mike Logan: You think you're ok for this?
Carolyn Barek: ::glares at him:: Why wouldn't I be?
Mike Logan: You

Mike Logan: Seem on edge. And I know you were worried the other day.
Carolyn Barek: I'm fine.
Mike Logan: All right....if you want to talk about it...
Mike Logan: Whenever. I owe you that.
Carolyn Barek: I don't--There's nothing to talk about.
Mike Logan: Right.
Carolyn Barek: ::makes no response::
Mike Logan: So, you know...

Mike Logan: You could talk to Millie.
Mike Logan: I think she'd like that.
Mike Logan: ..because we had kind of a big fight. Again.
Carolyn Barek: ::looks at him:: Is everything alright?
Mike Logan: I think so. I mean, like you said, we want to make it work.
Carolyn Barek: ::nods::
Mike Logan: But I think...I think it would help if she knew you better.
Mike Logan: You know, I'll never understand people.

Carolyn Barek: People... ::doesn't finish but sounds annoyed::
Mike Logan: I mean...hey, do she and Jack ever make you feel...old?
Carolyn Barek: When they're together? No.
Mike Logan: No? Must be me, then.
Mike Logan: Anyhow...just, no big deal.
Mike Logan: But she has this crazy idea you only talk to me and Jack.
Mike Logan: I said, you talk to me because I sit down and talk at you.
Carolyn Barek: ::opens her mouth and pauses:: I talk with Alex. And sometimes Jackie...when she's around.

Mike Logan: I know.
Millie Logan: ::mike's fone rings::
Mike Logan: Hello?
Mike Logan: ::mouths "Millie" at Caro::
Carolyn Barek: ::gets it and looks away without nodding::
Mike Logan: ::hangs up, comes back::
Carolyn Barek: ::glances at him but doesn't say anything::
Mike Logan: Anyway, so...yeah. Because, you know, if she was dead set on this whole godparent thing...
Carolyn Barek: ::just looks at him, eyes still narrow::

Mike Logan: Eh, you know.
Mike Logan: Anyway.
Carolyn Barek: ::looks confused but moves on to the case:: We should get going.
Mike Logan: I don;t want to be one of those people who shoves their kids under your nose and says HERE! You have to LOVE this!
Mike Logan: ::They're talking as they're walking::
Mike Logan: Yeah, let's do this thing.
Carolyn Barek: ::turns to him:: What are you talking about?

Mike Logan: Stuff. I'm being dumb. Let's go smackdown a hippie.
Carolyn Barek: Fine.
Drea Hammock: ::Doink-Doink:: ::Women's prison. Meeting room.::
Drea Hammock: ::Drea Hammock sits in her orange jumpsuit, toying with her hair boredly::
Mike Logan: :;Mike follows Caro in::
Carolyn Barek: Mrs. Hammock, I am Det. Barek and this is my partner Det. Logan. We'd like to speak with you regarding your jewelry business.
Drea Hammock: ::taps her fingers on the table:: Yeah? Ain't that nice....

Drea Hammock: ::she looks them up and down::
Mike Logan: ::nods, leans against the wall behind Caro, letting Barek get in there::
Carolyn Barek: The more cooperative you are the sooner we will leave you alone. ::sits at the table::
Drea Hammock: ::to Mike:: certainly look...less....ape-like....::turns to Caro:: And you're....::squints:: just as short. Too bad. But okay.
Mike Logan: ::small laugh::
Mike Logan: I see you met the goon squad.

Carolyn Barek: I assure you Mrs. Hammock that we are quite different than our colleagues. In fact, we would like to apologize for the way they treated you.
Drea Hammock: ::smirk:: I'm telling you now, if you've got that fucking bubblewrap, I am *not* responsible for my actions.
Carolyn Barek: No bubblewrap. If anything upsets you let us know and we will stop.
Mike Logan: We're cops, not toddlers.
Drea Hammock: ::she smirks at him:: I'm sure.
Carolyn Barek: We have seen what we believe to be some of your work. ::takes out pictures of the jewelry on the bodies::

Carolyn Barek: It is very nice but we'd like to know if you can identify it as yours. ::shows her the pics::
Drea Hammock: Oh my gawd....what the hell happened tothem? ::looks closer:: My jewelry! Yes, that is mine...
Carolyn Barek: You made all this jewelry?
Drea Hammock: Yes. I did.
Mike Logan: Nice work, actually.
Carolyn Barek: You must have been proud of your work. Was there one particular buyer or did several different people purchase the different pieces from you?
Drea Hammock: These particular pieces?

Carolyn Barek: ::nods::
Drea Hammock: I had different buyers. ::shrugs::
Carolyn Barek: Do you know who they are? Male, female? Returning customers? Anything?
Drea Hammock: ::she smiles:; That's confidential information.
Carolyn Barek: ::sighs but not in an annoyed way:: Mrs. Hammock, someone is murdering admirers of your work. Don't you think it might be beneficial to you to help us?
Drea Hammock: ::she shrugs:: And what are you--::points to her and then Mike with a finger:: Gonna do for me?

Carolyn Barek: We can talk to the DA's office about leniency or we can talk to them about pushing you harder. The choice is yours.
Drea Hammock: ::she glares::
Mike Logan: Why? What do you think we ought to do?
Carolyn Barek: We would like to help you, Mrs. Hammock. You aren't a threat to society but legally we can't help you unless you help us.
Mike Logan: We're open to suggestions.
Drea Hammock: Look, I don't know who it was, okay?

Drea Hammock: ::she glares::
Carolyn Barek: Did you sell them through a retailer or online?
Drea Hammock: Online. They had user names, like on ebay...they pay through another server, like paypal, and I get the money through that.
Drea Hammock: I don't deal in real names very often.
Carolyn Barek: Is it paypal?
Mike Logan: There's a way to trace that.
Drea Hammock:'s a similar service, called paypro.

Carolyn Barek: ::nods once:: We'll be getting access to their records. Do you happen to have a list of the usernames people who bought this jewelry used?
Drea Hammock: ::she sighs:: It's all on my computer.
Mike Logan: ::steps out, calls the unis to go get that::
Carolyn Barek: How many of these pieces have you made?
Drea Hammock: the horseshoes?
Carolyn Barek: ::nods::
Drea Hammock: Just those...they were custom...I got an email requesting the bracelet...

Drea Hammock: I post them, you know, as samples, after i make them
Drea Hammock: And after that I got more requests...for the horseshoes.
Drea Hammock: But different kinds. LIke the cufflinks
Carolyn Barek: Are there some requests you have yet to fill?
Drea Hammock: ::shakes her head:: Nah. I finished them all...
Carolyn Barek: ::nods:: Did you ship them out yourself?
Drea Hammock: Yeah, I did.
Carolyn Barek: Do you still have the addresses you sent them to?
Mike Logan: :;comes back in::

Drea Hammock: ::she sighs:: Like I said, all on the computer...
Carolyn Barek: The first e-mail you mentioned, could it have been prompted by a previous piece of yours involving the horseshoes?
Drea Hammock: If they saw them on my site, and liked it, then yeah, it could have.
Carolyn Barek: How many pieces with horseshoes have you made either by request or not?
Drea Hammock: I told you. The only ones I've made have been by request.
Drea Hammock: The bracelet, the cufflinks, two pairs of earrings.
Carolyn Barek: Nothing else involving horseshoes? Even a little?
Mike Logan: ::is watching her carefully, her behavior, her responses::

Drea Hammock: ::a bit annoyed:: No...
Carolyn Barek: About how long ago were these requests made do you think?
Drea Hammock: The first....::sighs:: A few months ago? I don't keep track of all that...
Carolyn Barek: How long did it take you to fill each request?
Drea Hammock: The bracelet was the longest...those damned charms took forever to do...
Drea Hammock: But the cufflinks and earrings were much easier.
Drea Hammock: All I had to do was add backing.

Carolyn Barek: Was the bracelet requested first?
Drea Hammock: Yes.
Carolyn Barek: And about how long would you say it took after shipping off the bracelet before you got another request?
Drea Hammock: After I posted the picture of the bracelet...a couple days, I think...
Carolyn Barek: Other than the horseshoes, was there anything particular about the requests? Maybe a certain spelling of a word or font style?
Drea Hammock: I dont memorize my orders, Detective. ::annoyed::

Mike Logan: I'm sure something sticks in your head...
Mike Logan: You know, like an inspiration..
Drea Hammock: ::She rubs her eyes::
Drea Hammock: The spelling...
Mike Logan: The spellling?
Drea Hammock: "I saw it, and just had to have something similar...horseshoes...are my favourite." Yes. They used the British spelling...
Carolyn Barek: ::glances at Mike with a tone-it-down look::

Carolyn Barek: ::writes out f-a-v-o-u-r-i-t-e on a piece of paper and shows it to her:: Like this?
Drea Hammock: Yeah.
Carolyn Barek: Where the e-mails from large domain names like yahoo or hotmail?
Drea Hammock: I think so, yeah...and that new one, that G-mail.
Carolyn Barek: All four e-mails?
Carolyn Barek: Assuming none of the requests came from the same address.
Drea Hammock: they were all different.

Mike Logan: We can get the whaydda call them....
Mike Logan: ID address?
Drea Hammock: isp?
Drea Hammock: ::raises a brow::
Mike Logan: Yeah, that. ::smiles at skanky hippie::
Drea Hammock: ::she smirks::
Carolyn Barek: ::watches::
Drea Hammock: ::to Logan:: I'm smarter than I look. Amazing, isn't it? ::smirk::

Mike Logan: Oh, we thought those other apes underestimated you all along.
Mike Logan: Didn't we?
Carolyn Barek: ::nods::
Carolyn Barek: You've already helped us a lot. It will probably help us find the murderer, in fact.
Drea Hammock: As long as you keep your end of the bargain.
Carolyn Barek: ::nods:: We will.
Carolyn Barek: Is there anything else that you think might be of help to us?

Drea Hammock: Not that I can think of.
Carolyn Barek: ::glances at Mike to see if he has anything::
Mike Logan: Don't suppose you want to be helpful and write down username and dates on those purchases?
Drea Hammock: Look, Sherlock plaids-a-lot, ::smiles sweetly:: For the...third? time... I don't have all this information on the top of my head.
Drea Hammock: It's all on my computer.
Mike Logan: Oh, ok.

Carolyn Barek: ::nods and stands:: Thank you for your time, Mrs. Hammock.
Mike Logan: I know what it's like to forget shit.
Mike Logan: For example?
Mike Logan: I just forgot everything we said when we started this conversation.
Mike Logan: Come on, Barek, let's go so she can let us drop out of her impaired short-term memory.
Carolyn Barek: ::glares at him::
Drea Hammock: ::she narrows her eyes:: You can't do that!!

Mike Logan: Do what? :::sounds totally confused::
Carolyn Barek: ::warning tone:: Logan...
Carolyn Barek: She -has- been quite helpful.
Drea Hammock: ::she smirks:: That's right, honey, listen to your partner.
Mike Logan: Yeah, well, if she can remember that kid's *name* - I'll eat this ugly plaid tie.
Mike Logan: Otherwise, let her rot in here.
Drea Hammock: I'm not a friggin' computer-brain!
Mike Logan: Your *own* kid's name, you lousy burnout.

Carolyn Barek: ::same tone:: Logan, let's go.
Drea Hammock: You don't talk like you know my boy. He's none of your damn business!
Mike Logan: ::straightens jacket::
Drea Hammock: ::she gets up and goes over--damn, why didn't they cuff her::
Mike Logan: Whatever. You just keep telling yourself that.
Drea Hammock: ::lunge:: Sonuvabitch!
Mike Logan: He got a *name* you remember?
Mike Logan: ::steps back, so she falls short::

Drea Hammock: ::she goes after him anyway, attacking his chest with her fists:: His name is Robert, you asshole!
Mike Logan: ::he grabs both her arms and slams her back against the wall::
Carolyn Barek: Mrs. Hammock, this is not helping you.
Mike Logan: Yeah? Well, while you're out with your wacky weed, what's he doing?
Drea Hammock: Get off! He provoked me, dammit!
Drea Hammock: That is not your business!
Mike Logan: What, are you raising him to go follow The Dead or something?
Drea Hammock: He's a good boy, real smart. ::kicks::

Mike Logan: Christ lady, letting World of Warcraft raise your kid...
Mike Logan: ::slam:: God Dammit
Carolyn Barek: Logan, I am not in the mood for telling our CO another white lie...
Mike Logan: Get the Corrections guys in here...
Mike Logan: Then if he'
Mike Logan: s a good kid, he deserves better than you.
Drea Hammock: ::she kicks hard and bites his arm::
Carolyn Barek: ::walks out of the cell to get help::

Mike Logan: OW. Little HELP here?
Mike Logan: ::slam::
Mike Logan: ::does the arm twist thing to put her facedown on the table::
Drea Hammock: ::kicking::
Carolyn Barek: ::returns with a guard who pushes Mike out of the way and cuffs her::
Mike Logan: ::lets her go, looks flushed and *pissed*::
Carolyn Barek: ::looks at him:: We're leaving. -Now.-
Mike Logan: Fine by me. ::checks the arm of his jacket for hippiedamage::

Drea Hammock: ::his jacket is okay, but there are scratch marks on his face::
Mike Logan: Goddammit.
Mike Logan: She scratched the crap outta me.
Carolyn Barek: You knew she was slightly...aggressive before you started in on her.
Mike Logan: Screw that.
Mike Logan: Shit. Who *knows* what kind of diseases she has?
Mike Logan: I gotta get these photographed.
Carolyn Barek: You should visit Tramonti, now.

Mike Logan: I'll do it when we get back...
Mike Logan: We gotta see Salsman, remember?
Carolyn Barek: ::nods::
Mike Logan: Just because we got the shit assignments, doesn't mean we can slack.
Carolyn Barek: ::glances at him and continues walking::
Mike Logan: ::dabs at his face with a hankerchief and gets the scracthes documented at the exit station::
Carolyn Barek: ::waits for him::

Mike Logan: Ok, let's go do this thing.
Mike Logan: AND I gotta get Munch one of his nasty-ass figshakes.
Carolyn Barek: ::nods::
Mike Logan: Where's Salsman at?
Mike Logan: Did we call her and tell her we were coming?
Carolyn Barek: I don't think so.

witnesses, barek, mcs, millie, interview, case c, rp log

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