I'm so glad I had 150 words for this because it took every one of them!
LO Old School! Serious crackfic.
“We’re in that famous final scene,” Mike muttered, ramming more useless ammo into his gun. “Going out with a bang.”
Lennie grinned. “I always wanted to be Paul Newman.”
Mike grimaced, took a quick peek around the doorway. “Where did they come from?”
“You know, I had an uncle who worked construction on the Empire State Building. He said they’d been here since the Depression.” Lennie shrugged, spinning the chambers of his pistol. “Of course, he was my funny drunk uncle, so I never believed him.”
“Who would?” Mike pressed back, shoulder to shoulder with Lennie. Shared horror was comfort, resignation to fate brought a measure of peace. “You ready to walk that beat in hell together, partner?”
Briscoe smirked. “I hear the meter maids down there are hot.”
“Let’s do it. On three.”
They swung out, firing blindly and screaming human defiance at the metallic voices that shrieked, “EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!”