I'm in an odd mood today. Hence this pair of drabbles...
Technology Challenge
Det. Olivia Benson and the boys
Rated T for teen - mildly suggestive
Not a spoiler in sight
100 Words
Taking a deep breath - or as deep as she could in the tight leather corset - Olivia sauntered into the room.
Wrapped in leather, self-confidence, and sporting heels that made her six feet tall, there was no doubt she would blend in at the underground fetish club.
She found the stunned silence from her colleagues to be deeply gratifying.
"Where's the wire?" she asked.
"Here. It attaches to your collar," squeaked Stabler. Clumsy fingers fumbled the tiny state-of-the-art mike, and it landed on her exposed cleavage.
"The first one who tries to retrieve it loses a protruding body part," she warned.
~~~ ~~ ~~~
Det. Ed Green
Rated safe for all
Spoilers: only if you missed the shooting and crossover episode
100 words
He drifts in and out of the fog. Some days he knows who he is, others he isn't so sure.
When the drugs first begin to loosen their grip, he is trapped somewhere between awareness and oblivion, between life and death.
The pain that follows tells him which side he's come down on. Waking to a nightmare, trapped in a body that can't possibly be his, he hears a sound.
The sound starts out frantic and erratic, but slowly settles into a steady rhythm. It reassures him as nothing else can.
Every beep of the monitor tells him he's alive.
I may have a couple more later.